D Train IBL (white domina x qrazy train) supersoil, mainlined, *blumats coming soon*


Well-Known Member
Oriah.....I had the same issue with my tap was at 8.2, bought a sediment filter at HD for $
39 hooked it up in the basement before my outside spigot and now got 6.8 all day. Sub just did the same thing when he moved and worked great for him too. Give that a try
i also use a chloramine/chlorine/sediment filter. it has really helped me keep the consistency of water. it comes out around 7.0

i use a touch of PH down and then dump it in the rez. i dont monitor my rez at all...hoping the supersoil deals with the water i input


Well-Known Member

I sat in the room, pitch black...waiting...i started imagining creepy crawlers sliming around on my bare feet. glanced at my watch....pitch black again...no light leaks, i coudnt see my own arm in front of my face....camera, lights action!

the tent is in full fucking jam mode! today is 21 days. i cannot believe how they are taking off...i already have a favorite dtrain...she is gorgeous, skinny finger leaves..HUGE fannerz and starting to frost up nicely. this is going to be some primo smoke. not a single male flower anywhere!

need some advice, tent is packed and im afraid some of the growth underneath the tops might be suffering...i want to get them some light...when can i begin slowly removing large fan leaves with big stems? i need to open this canopy up.


Well-Known Member

I sat in the room, pitch black...waiting...i started imagining creepy crawlers sliming around on my bare feet. glanced at my watch....pitch black again...no light leaks, i coudnt see my own arm in front of my face....camera, lights action!

the tent is in full fucking jam mode! today is 21 days. i cannot believe how they are taking off...i already have a favorite dtrain...she is gorgeous, skinny finger leaves..HUGE fannerz and starting to frost up nicely. this is going to be some primo smoke. not a single male flower anywhere!

need some advice, tent is packed and im afraid some of the growth underneath the tops might be suffering...i want to get them some light...when can i begin slowly removing large fan leaves with big stems? i need to open this canopy up.
killer bro, can't wait to see um....try to wait till day 30 to start removing anything...then be selective, and only remove leaves that are over the top of bud sites, in the mean time, just tweak them out of the way if they are shading nugs....when they begin to fade at day 40/45, you can be much more aggressive......i am really excited for you bro!....time to increase your air movement, and really get it whippin' in there.....


Well-Known Member
for the person that asked about my exhausting

canopy at 21 days

eight monster blue widow colas REALLY stackin'

here an upskirt

pure art



Well-Known Member

just figured out how to insert vids, please jam this song when peeping this thread! youre welcome


Well-Known Member
looks like your pre-filter needs changing on your carbon filter. i change mine frequently to ensure the carbon lasts as long as possible.


Well-Known Member
looks like your pre-filter needs changing on your carbon filter. i change mine frequently to ensure the carbon lasts as long as possible.
oh yes, i absolutely need to get a new prefilter. its been on there for a year....will using new filters extend the life of the filter dramtically? I usually buy a new filter ever 12months...im def do but have no issues so far


Well-Known Member
yes u will get more life out of your carbon if you keep your pre-filters clean. i change them every harvest.


Well-Known Member
you don't have any heat issues without venting your hood? do you get enough airflow to draw out the excess heat with just the filter setup?


Active Member
Budman looking good nice canopy plants all look healthy. I grew out the blue widow from dinafem last grow it was descent with a good taste although the pheno i had put off nanners later in flower. You said you like to check them over quite often so you should be good and spot any sign early. I had mine under a 1000 watt untopped in a 4 gallon bucket vegged 30 days and got 88 grams of just big nugs. All my friends seemed to like it and said it was very stoney. I myself gave it a B as a grade not a + and no a - just a b. Your 3x3 looks killer it would make my buddy and his 3x3 soo jealous. There are those people you can try to teach and pass knowledge onto but they dont listen and think they know best. He is one of those. Anyway keep growing. Also what is your final verdict on the bluemats?


Well-Known Member
Budman looking good nice canopy plants all look healthy. I grew out the blue widow from dinafem last grow it was descent with a good taste although the pheno i had put off nanners later in flower. You said you like to check them over quite often so you should be good and spot any sign early. I had mine under a 1000 watt untopped in a 4 gallon bucket vegged 30 days and got 88 grams of just big nugs. All my friends seemed to like it and said it was very stoney. I myself gave it a B as a grade not a + and no a - just a b. Your 3x3 looks killer it would make my buddy and his 3x3 soo jealous. There are those people you can try to teach and pass knowledge onto but they dont listen and think they know best. He is one of those. Anyway keep growing. Also what is your final verdict on the bluemats?
thanks for stopping in. i will watch them VERY closely and make sure nothing with nanners gets too much time. i grew out some dinafem critcal + is the great dope.

its funny what you said about your friend and his 3x3....i have a friend, a good friend with a 4x4 and he wont listen to me to save his life. he runs all different types of strains, shoving them in and out, they are all different, using bottled nutes, uneven canopy, handles the buds, etc...its a nightmare. i try to give suggestions and he is open to them but he wont really take it and run with it...the advice i give him sort of falls on deaf ears. he also has a DR60 and he isnt using that properly.. but, he is having fun so thats what its all about!

so, the blumats are great, but they arent necessary for me...now, if i was leaving for 5+ days i would hook them back up, but i only have a 3x3 tent. I germ,veg and flower in it...since i switched to SS, all i do is add water with the occasional tea. i simply dont need them in all the time. I have the rez, feedline and all the drippers still attached so all i have do is soak the blumats, fill the rez and stick em in the soil...DONE

im going tdown to give them thier 4 week ewc/sucanat tea! stick around...its going to get reallly fun in here over the next 5-6 weeks.


Active Member
Yep my buddy is the same way I have told him to get up on the net and do some research but he refuses to do it but its ok maybe someday he will. Hes like your friend throws a bunch of plants in his space thinking hes gonna get a huge harvest but putting too many plants in a space can be detrimental when there too crowded. His space doesnt have adequate airflow. I have pointed this out many times. He has lost three harvests because of stupid shit i warned him about. Once he layed in bed and wouldnt get up to open his closet the temps were 140 inside. I dont know if anyone has seen any bud that was put in that kinda condition but it was like cooked plants all dried up you could have smoked the buds right from the plant they were crumbly. His next harvest I told him he had a hermi he got pollinated. This last time i have told him numerous times high humidity is no good in flowering. Weeks 5-6 of flower he thinks he knows best and starts misting the plants with a spray bottle and water during the dark period with no fans going just stagnant air dumbass told him not smart. He got some moldy mildew buds the dickhead was selling it to highschool kids. Hes had one decent plant turn out two actually one a clone from me another LA women that had good taste serious lack in potency. With all that said i actually dont really speak to him much i guess I really cant call him a buddy anymore we grew up together but our lives have taken different paths. Maybe someday he might humble himself and straighten up enough to take some pointers. He is far to big of a slave to an opiate addiction for me to even wanna be around. I dont know if you know drug addicts but there whole lives become a front and every word out of there mouth is a lie. I now choose to not be around those kinda people. Your just a few weeks behind my flowering girls.


Well-Known Member
Wow,mreading that was like a portal into my life. When I was younger I milled around with some folks that never truly grew up. Alcohol, lack of motivation, opiate addiction, inability to hold a job, etc, etc

I def do not associate much with those folks and surround myself withpositivepeople. I'm married and have a baby otw!

Paine day they will grow. I hope :hump:


Active Member
budman question where did you get the d-train beans like a seed bank or did a buddy make some? I ask cause i saw it was white domina whats the diff between the black domina and the white. I ask cause ive grown the black domina and some hybrids with it (black afy, Black Jack) A friend with MS likes the domina strains he says they work great for his neuro pain. Just curious?


Well-Known Member
They were gifted from a friend. His own cross. I don't know the difference between white and black domina. I have seen her grown out and she is sexy as hell. As well as the qrazytrain. I haven't grown out any "any" white strains.