overages website.!


Well-Known Member
No thank you officer. We don't really do the things we act out in our threads therefore we do not have overages. You might want to try looking for rapists and murderers instead sir/ma'am
tru dat missa


Active Member
I think there is already a site like that for Overages. I found that www.MichiganMMP.com does have some overages and are starting to pickup. I think RIU is still better on information though. The guides here are way better!

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
wow, second link had a grand total of 3 ads to browse. 1 was a we want overages ad and the other 2 were no better on price then a disp. without any way to see it first....hope that gets better.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Huh, seems like this stuff sells (sorry,acquires donation or wtf we are calling it these days) itself. I have tried everything to get "overages" to the point I can go to a disp and sell off but since I got friends and know other patients no matter how many lights I add I never get to the point that I am even close to holding my limits. I got 3 people including my self that I absolutely trust and another guy I have as a patient I don't relly know well or trust yet and I operate as if I have 3 not 4 for safety sake and seriously-as much as I get is as much as I get rid off instantly. looks like the world needs more doers and less bitchers. 30% of the posts were "I need meds"
45% were just idiot rants about how much everyone is getting ripped off and how much meds suck and then there is the 25% of posts that were selling meds....for 300+/oz....AHHHHH now I know why you have overages and I don't! it's the 100$/ox price diff. Good luck; life changing flame hasn't been worth that much per oz since 1997 when only hippies off the grid grew the kind buds and you had to know a guy who knows a guy who gets it from a dude down the street on the 2nd tuesday of the month. Guess it takes some sort of skill to do this grow thing, huh?


Well-Known Member
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