IS this suppose to happen Please answer


I"m concerned with the top of my plant see pics below
yesterday everything seems great this morning I go in to
check things out like I do everyday and I noticed the top of my baby is
tipping to the right a bit and I also noticed that the top seems to have
forked kinda like a roadway.

I'm praying this is ok but please look at the Pics I put up
as I am very worried right now wondering if I
should try and lightly tie it up so its straight up and down instead
of the top tipping to the right..

Thank you all In advance for helping me

I'm using GH Flora series with Xnutrients Bloom FX and Xnutrients Amino Blast

ph is 6.0 and TDS is 1375 on a 12/12 lighting schedule

Thank you again



Well-Known Member
that look realy wierd .. so do the plant .. what kind of lighting do you use ? and did you top it ?


Well-Known Member
If the stem is truly bending and is firm it might be avoiding light. If the stem is floppy and soft she is dying. For whatever reason. Is this from seed? If so did you use one of those peat discs that expand when wet and is held together with netting? If so did you remove the net before putting it into dirt?


Well-Known Member
I'm on my iPhone so I could be looking at the pics wrong but it looks like it was either growing TOWARDS the light or the top can't support it's weight. Is that super lemon haze? And could u post more pics