Plants have copper looking spots, brown tips and one very wierd plant. Pics Inc.


Hi, and thanks for taking your time for reading my post :)

First I want to say is all the plants are the same, 100% feminized G-13 Haze (Sativa dominent), and all grown from seed. I am using a soiless vermiculite/perlite and peat moss mix, and are in a 4" tall style container. I am using a flourcent light and I keep it 3" away from the plants. The tempertures stay between 72-80 degrees but I like to keep it around 75-76 most of the time (once it got to 85 and as low as 69 degrees). The humidity is usually around 40-45%, but the last few days it's been around 60-65%, and gets a little higher when the lights go out for their 6 hour period of rest. I have only been using distilled water, and the last two waterings started to use a 2 part nutrient solution.

So the plants you see in the pics are all 2 1/2 weeks old.

Now I'll start from the beginging on what exactly has been going on.

Now as I stated before, I started using only distilled water, and have only needed to water them about 3 times now (about once a week), as I wait for the first inch of mix to become dry before the next watering. After the first watering I notice the PH was a lil low and the new seedlings started to show the effects so I started using Sensi Grow two part vegitaion solution. Combined it is a 4-2-6. Now as a test, I only used it on half the plants and the other half I left to just distilled water. Well after 4-5 days the ones I gave the solution to looked like they were on steroids and the other ones looked smaller but actually more lush (except for having a few copper spots on the lower leaves and turing a little yellow). Now at this point I have used half of what they recommended on the bottle for nutrients to the ones I have used the nutes on, and of course the other ones I have used nothing. 2 of the plants I used nutes on broke out with copper spots, the tips of the leaves started curling and the ends of a couple of the leaves actually started to twist while the others looked great ( maybe a little curling of the tips but no spots and nothing really major)

After the 2nd watering I started misting the plants, actually only did it twice, since those spots started showing up and thought one of two things. a)I started a mold from the misting or b) I burnt the plants. Now I thought it seem strange that only a couple of plants had started getting the spots and the others seemed fine.

Now on my 3rd and most recent watering (about 3 days ago) I went with using nutes on all the plants. I used 1.5ml instead of 2.0ml (is what the recommend on the bottle) the first time using nutes I only used 1.0ml (so I upped it by .5ml this time) since the plants were bigger. Now I noticed yesterday that some of the other plants (the ones that had nothing wrong with them) started to get a brown rusty looking spot. I won't lie, I thought it was now rust mold and went out and bought Serenade fungicide. Now at this point there wasn't any brown tips on the plants and all I could see was these rusty/copper looking spots in the middle of the leaves. I then sprayed all the plants with the fungicide (until dripping) and left them in peace over night. I woke up today in awe as now most of the plants have brown tips :(

Now my questions are.

A) How long until you notice nute burns after a watering? I've read it could take until 1-3 days. But if it takes 3 days, wouldn't you noticed signs in the previous 2 days?

B) Am I giving them too much nutes? Or was it the Serenade Fungicide?

C) If it is nute burn, do I flush immediately with pure water or wait until the first inch of soil becomes dry?

D) What in the heck is wrong with that weird looking plant?

E) My Ph with only distilled water says 5.5 (using a strip for testing) but using the nutes it says around 6.2. I have a digital Ph coming in next week. So could it that my PH is off and I just don't know it? Could it be a defiency rather than too much nutes?

Thanks so much for your time guys, and yes I am new to this :P

Pic A and C) Are the spots I mentioned I thought was rust mold after the 2nd watering, and after misting twice in 3 days. (using nutes on that plant for the first time)

Pic B) The brown tips that I woke up to this morning, after using Serenade Fungicide yesterday. (this was the worst plant)

Pic D) The yellow that was starting after only using distilled water and no nutes.

Pic E) The weird looking plant, it's growing....weird compared to the others.



Well-Known Member
Are you using any Calcium/Magnesium to supplement.....when using ro and distilled water the cal/mag is stripped in the filtering process so cal/mag has to be supplemented or you will start having cal/mag deficiencies, which it seems some of your plants are already exhibiting....also the last pic definitely looks like it is suffering from over feeding (the others are as well but not as bad)....I would recommend you buy ec/tds meter to monitor nutrient levels........start low and only increase (by 100-200 ppm at a time) when your plants start showing slight signs of deficiencies.....


Hi Jcd, and thanks for the quick reply. I am not using any cal/mag suppliments since I never knew distilled water did that. I will grab up a meter asap. As for over feeding did you mean too much water or nutes?

What in your opinion as what I should do? Start using tap water on the next watering? Flush right away? Or just cut back on the nutes I have been using?


Also what is a good ec/tds meter to get? As well as what is a good ppm to start at for my size of plants?


Well-Known Member
Didn't see it lol...also I wouldn't use distilled water....especially when you start using your meters as it can damage the orbes...use regular reverse osmosis water with cal/mag or your tap if it is good enough (you can check your cities website for water analysis).I would water only with cal mag if using ro water for the next few watering.....until you see normal growth.....hanna sells handheld all in one meters or milwaukee makes decent meters........


Awesome, thanks for all the tips man. Ya the water here is great...not sure why I wasted money on distilled water...I'll start watering just using that for the next few waterings.

And ya I bought a hanna last night off Ebay :)


Well-Known Member
Good stuff.....hope you luck in your growing endeavors...if you need some help hit me with a pm..........:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hi, and thanks for taking your time for reading my post :)

First I want to say is all the plants are the same, 100% feminized G-13 Haze (Sativa dominent), and all grown from seed. I am using a soiless vermiculite/perlite and peat moss mix, and are in a 4" tall style container. I am using a flourcent light and I keep it 3" away from the plants. The tempertures stay between 72-80 degrees but I like to keep it around 75-76 most of the time (once it got to 85 and as low as 69 degrees). The humidity is usually around 40-45%, but the last few days it's been around 60-65%, and gets a little higher when the lights go out for their 6 hour period of rest. I have only been using distilled water, and the last two waterings started to use a 2 part nutrient solution.

So the plants you see in the pics are all 2 1/2 weeks old.

Now I'll start from the beginging on what exactly has been going on.

Now as I stated before, I started using only distilled water, and have only needed to water them about 3 times now (about once a week), as I wait for the first inch of mix to become dry before the next watering. After the first watering I notice the PH was a lil low and the new seedlings started to show the effects so I started using Sensi Grow two part vegitaion solution. Combined it is a 4-2-6. Now as a test, I only used it on half the plants and the other half I left to just distilled water. Well after 4-5 days the ones I gave the solution to looked like they were on steroids and the other ones looked smaller but actually more lush (except for having a few copper spots on the lower leaves and turing a little yellow). Now at this point I have used half of what they recommended on the bottle for nutrients to the ones I have used the nutes on, and of course the other ones I have used nothing. 2 of the plants I used nutes on broke out with copper spots, the tips of the leaves started curling and the ends of a couple of the leaves actually started to twist while the others looked great ( maybe a little curling of the tips but no spots and nothing really major)

After the 2nd watering I started misting the plants, actually only did it twice, since those spots started showing up and thought one of two things. a)I started a mold from the misting or b) I burnt the plants. Now I thought it seem strange that only a couple of plants had started getting the spots and the others seemed fine.

Now on my 3rd and most recent watering (about 3 days ago) I went with using nutes on all the plants. I used 1.5ml instead of 2.0ml (is what the recommend on the bottle) the first time using nutes I only used 1.0ml (so I upped it by .5ml this time) since the plants were bigger. Now I noticed yesterday that some of the other plants (the ones that had nothing wrong with them) started to get a brown rusty looking spot. I won't lie, I thought it was now rust mold and went out and bought Serenade fungicide. Now at this point there wasn't any brown tips on the plants and all I could see was these rusty/copper looking spots in the middle of the leaves. I then sprayed all the plants with the fungicide (until dripping) and left them in peace over night. I woke up today in awe as now most of the plants have brown tips :(

Now my questions are.

A) How long until you notice nute burns after a watering? I've read it could take until 1-3 days. But if it takes 3 days, wouldn't you noticed signs in the previous 2 days?

B) Am I giving them too much nutes? Or was it the Serenade Fungicide?

C) If it is nute burn, do I flush immediately with pure water or wait until the first inch of soil becomes dry?

D) What in the heck is wrong with that weird looking plant?

E) My Ph with only distilled water says 5.5 (using a strip for testing) but using the nutes it says around 6.2. I have a digital Ph coming in next week. So could it that my PH is off and I just don't know it? Could it be a defiency rather than too much nutes?

Thanks so much for your time guys, and yes I am new to this :P

Pic A and C) Are the spots I mentioned I thought was rust mold after the 2nd watering, and after misting twice in 3 days. (using nutes on that plant for the first time)

Pic B) The brown tips that I woke up to this morning, after using Serenade Fungicide yesterday. (this was the worst plant)

Pic D) The yellow that was starting after only using distilled water and no nutes.

Pic E) The weird looking plant, it's growing....weird compared to the others.
Your PH sounds low, might want to bring it up closer to 6.8 or so, and it looks like they are wanting new homes too.
Also, misting when you have your light that close is asking for burns from the water droplets.
Get a fan going in there, the moving air will help strengthen the main stems, and also help evaporate some of the water if you decide to mist when the lights are off.


Active Member
What kind of disease? Will it spread and should I pull it from the room now?

your plant does not have a disease. I've had different plants do that and i believe it'd genetic. To just come out and say your plant has a disease but not back it up is not cool.


Thanks Villa, ya I have had some awesome help so far. And someone, which I won't mention, inboxed me saying the same thing as you basically. I have a fan and actually have added a hepa filter as intake to my small room.

As for misting, ya I stopped that since I read nothing but nasty things from it.

Question now is, since my PH is low (I really think it's been below 5.5) what's the best way of raising the level? From what I have been reading intervals of .3 is the best way. My tap water is around 6.8 and I am assuming jumping it that much may not be good at all, am I wrong?