
New Member
eager? maybe. i just don't see why she ever let it get THAT far...before stopping me from going further. Taking my dick outta my pants and stroking it, moaning, etc? I mean her panties were soaked through to her jeans... GODDAMN!!!

IDK maybe, like you said, that was just her way of showing me that she WAS into me but, again, wanted the long term part. And I'm just thinking "can't we talk about all this mushy bullshit AFTER i beat it up"


Well-Known Member
eager? maybe. i just don't see why she ever let it get THAT far...before stopping me from going further. Taking my dick outta my pants and stroking it, moaning, etc? I mean her panties were soaked through to her jeans... GODDAMN!!!

IDK maybe, like you said, that was just her way of showing me that she WAS into me but, again, wanted the long term part. And I'm just thinking "can't we talk about all this mushy bullshit AFTER i beat it up"
Ok... she was being a ridiculous cock tease, unless she actually helped you out there? Did she, um, deal with you or just stroke it a bit and leave you hanging? That is kind of unfair ^^;

But you see we know all men think like that 'Can we fuck first and ask questions later?' If you can hold off for her sake, she knows you care, you want her and you're a keeper. Don't want you fucking everything else first and asking questions later X3

I can kind of picture her starting to jerk you off and suddenly going 'so, would you like to meet my mother for dinner this weekend?'

Lol that would just be ridiculous. Aww, hun just practice a little patience and you'll find the one. Obvious lots of girls ARE into you and DO come on to you, you just didn't wait long enough to actually get in their pants.

You're envious of my relationship now but I just had 3 and a half years of being teased and rejected first. Good things come to those who wait, and it seems they actually do with you lol.

Right, now someone post a picture of themselves lol


Well-Known Member
Take off the shades, ladies like eye contact !!! lol Awww very handsome, ur hair is such a great colour, looks soft :)
Thanks, april :).

Funnily enough, the sunglasses were really why I chose that pic. I thought it still gave me a bit of anonymity. And yes, the hair is as soft as I imagine an angel's dog's hair would be.

and thanks, Sunni! Yeah, I love how the hair is illuminated on one side of the head. So majestic. Like a fucking mountain just chilling majestic.