Getting setup for a new grow, 5g Hempy w/ Third Dimension & Wappa


Well-Known Member
looks good bro.....i may try hempy one of these days
Thanks man, I just can't wait til the real fun begins... just a few more weeks I am thinking, maybe 2 if I get hasty... I will only put half of them into Flower, a few weeks later a few more will join and so on, at least that's the plan.


Well-Known Member
thanks man, i just can't wait til the real fun begins... Just a few more weeks i am thinking, maybe 2 if i get hasty... I will only put half of them into flower, a few weeks later a few more will join and so on, at least that's the plan.
just takes a little time......


Well-Known Member
Def sounds like your doing the rooms right! I also vent into the rest of my basement and it heats it up to 84 lol. I really need to vent it out of the house. Nice and cool in the grow room though. Keep up the good work


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I am really starting to have issues being in here, there's a Spider problem and I have Arachnophobia... certain ones are OK and if I have fair warning of their location it's one thing but when they surprise me it's not cool. I have these huge, brown looking things down here (wolf spider size & look) I think they're pretty typical spiders but they are those creepy ones that are the size of a small ball when stretched out. I had one roaming around as I was putting up Poly last night inside that veg area under the stairs, so yeah I am sitting down on the floor in a terribly confined area and have this wretched looking thing just kind of say "hello" lol... the day before I was picking up my shop vac to clean out the overflow and one came darting out of the end right around my hand that one made me jump for sure.

I am wondering about insecticide, I am going to look into it but if it's not going to harm my plants I am bombing this basement, at the very least I am going to spray that perimeter defense type bug spray with the hose/trigger everywhere I can think of so they stay away from me. They are attracted to both the warm light and the overflow of my hempys, I found dead ones curled up floating in there it must be attractive to them as a source of food (until they drink it and die) lol... I accidentally forgot to get rid of 2-3 egg sacks under my stairs too and ended up closing the poly over where they were (way down there under the bottom 2 stairs out of reach) but I am thinking those usually hatch before summer season I would hope, I don't want THOUSANDS if little creepers coming out in the next couple months. I might have to pull my Poly down and get those before I regret it later and won't re-enter my grow haha.


Well-Known Member
I am trying to figure out what they are now on google... they look like they could be from the same line as a Hobo or Brown Recluse (look similar, but those are both deadly so I am going to assume not) Wolf Spider is also pretty similar in look although these are a little less hairy, funny how everything I mention is a nasty critter I would not want to get bitten by. I'm hoping they're just your standard 'outdoors/wood' spiders though which are also large and brown with similar looking markings. You gotta keep in mind I don't get my face very close to these to check out the details :)

I am hoping they are just "Domestic House Spiders" which is EXACTLY what they look like, not dangerous and just plain creepy... the worst I will get is swelling for a few hours if I get bit so that's no biggie, they look so similar to Hobos though and I sure don't want one of those biting me.



Well-Known Member
Day 11 updates

Found 4 of those spiders, all full grown in my small little grow area... this is creeping me out, I am probably going to buy some of those fumigation 'bug bombs' and bomb the hell out of my basement, I can just bring the Hempys upstairs for 24 hours and have crappy lighting temporarily or figure something else out. I would assume these kinds of things harm plants but who knows... I'm going to do my research before anything but will definitely work at eradicating these because there are countless egg sacks around too and those are hundreds to thousands of spiders. Yikes.



Well-Known Member
Actually from reading (already 2 minutes later) I have read much saying Bug Bombs will have no ill effects on house plants, I may be able to just keep them where they are. I assume I'd have to keep my lights and stuff off though or I'd ignite some insane gas explosion (lol, maybe?) I'd rather not have to move them and if there is anything plaguing my area I cannot take traces of it with me and re-introduce it to my grow. I was planning on using a couple bombs throughout the basement and maybe 1/3rd of one inside the grow area. I will have to shut off my gas, I think I can just do it the easy way outside of the house instead of each individual heat source down there. I can go without gas for a little while in the summer... just not in the winter. I assume several hours would be sufficient.


Well-Known Member
I bought this stuff today... SO MANY great reviews from Amazon customers got me convinced that was the one to grab, only problem is they are not plant safe so I gotta move everyone upstairs and possibly even into the garage for 3-5 hours or so but no biggie, anything to get rid of these crazy critters. It's a 3 pack, im gonna cover the entire basement as well as I can and just use all 3 at once because I want to penetrate the crawl space too I may need to use my oscilatting fan to whisp the fog back in there (its like 30 feet deep and narrow so it's not gonna get back there otherwise)


I can maybe pick at my plants, sit on the floor, and enter dark & ominous areas now without fearing something is about to crawl up my arm haha... such a sissy when it comes to spiders, HATE them... but I know they would probably be beneficial to the garden... only thing my garden is going to have (if needed) are lady bugs and I even like lady bugs.


Well-Known Member
All 3 forgers are going right now for 3 hours... I dont know if it will penetrate the crawl space or not as it's packed with boxes and such pretty tight and I did not put one in there and it's like 30-40 feet long but only a couple feet tall... Think massive concrete shelf lol. I wanted to put one in there with fan blowing but did not... I think I used more than needed because my basement is full of dank critter crevices.

Plants are in garage sucking up the smell of once spilled gasoline that never goes away, wonderful... Didn't want to take them upstairs so they can deal with it for 4-5 hours.


Well-Known Member
Testing A/C again... trying to locate condensate drip location, there is one hole in the bottom but it's not designed for that I do not think (or at least does not seem like it would be) there is a 1-2 inch wide lower tray looking 'dip' at the very back of the A/C which could be the reservoir so to speak but I have the unit angled forward and down that way anything will come forward and AT LEAST drip into the grow area where I can see it and figure out a containment method.

Basically just running it until I start seeing a leak then I will either device a drain pan with a hose fitting and go to my basement drain (which is 2 feet from the A/C conveniently) or into a large container for watering which will have a drain fitting near the top to drain excess overflow. Not sure if I'll just dispose of it or collect it but those two options both seem like they will work well for me.

Excuse the ghetto-ness of hot air box on the back, it works great but it looks pathetic... I will probably actually build a nice one soon but this was all I could find around the house and I tend to make do with what I can in creative ways, if no one sees it and it works... whatever! :)


Once I locate that condensate drip location and come up with a solution I will be sealing everything up nice and tidy with black/white poly and it will stop looking to hackney and pretty good (hopefully) all I care about is keeping Co2 in the room anyway so if it's a taped up mess so be it, but I think it will turn out pretty well.


Well-Known Member
found the water, it leaks out of the front under the face I must have had it very level because it was coming out equally from the corners of both ends, I tilted one end up so it's leaning down into the room and at an angle, looks funny can be shaken if I try to but seems to be pretty solid, sucks because it leaks right onto one of the 2x4's I use to raise it up so I angled that one all funny which (bugs me because I am kind of OCD about stuff looking stupid or wrong) but when it's all hidden by the poly I think I'll like the setup.

Since the location of the drainage is a rather 'broad' area of about 3-4 inches and varies slightly I am going to rig a standard 6" funnel under that corner before I poly it all up and just put some generic silicone hose on it and route it to wherever I want. I think it's going to work, may be ghetto but work none the less... I'll attempt to do it tonight (if I have time) and get some new pics up otherwise tomorrow probably.

I also just got a 50ft roll of 10/2 romex I am going to run a 30amp circuit with and just do 4 120v outlets in a single box inside the grow room, I found a bunch of spare breakers but damnit it's 2 15's and 2 40's neither of which are the correct size so I guess I'll have to wait another day to get a breaker. Hoping to have that all wired and done tomorrow shouldnt take more than 30 minutes I wouldn't think running the wire will be simple too but I might need to use damn near the whole 50 feet.


Well-Known Member
Day 12 updates photos... one plant has leaf cupping but I just fed/watered them so we'll see how that goes... also pointed my fan upward toward the light so the canopy is not so heavily affected I had some pretty heavy air blowing at them to keep temps and air moderate. They are tossing around a lot less now and I am sure will be happy for it, they also had their first 6 hours of darkness since I got a timer hooked up finally. There's some progress on the A/C too, it's ghetto but it's on it's way to being sealed up and that funnel thing has not been figured out yet it's just hanging out (that's where the water goes though, would actually work there but I need to come up with better (if not just for the seal I need to work around it)



Well-Known Member
Air conditioner is working great, I rigged up a really ghetto exhaust system for it just to test it out (I wanted to try something now, so I could not wait to buy materials) I found a plastic tote that just amazingly happened to be the exact size of the unit and gave me a large champer behind it to collect the hot air, I have a hydrofarm 6" fan attached to that sucking the air out and it sucks it out crazy well, have not routed it to the window yet just away from room for testing purposes and it gets damn chilly in there (with only 1 600 running though) and even dropped the veg area which is 8 feet away down a few degrees and that's a small closed in space... So this should in theory work well, I just cant figure out where the condensate is going to drain from. There is one small hole in the bottom of the chassis but that doesnt even make sense in placement, I suppose that could be where it comes from but it is NOT the lowest place on the chassis.

I don't want to drill holes if I don't need to, I ran it for an hour to see where the water would come from... nothing, I tripped it in both directions, nothing, then I picked it up and carried it somewhere and got soaked with no idea where the water came from, I almost think it came from the face/front area near the bottom when I lifted it up against my chest to carry it but I cannot figure out where I want to attach a hose yet to collect the condensate, blah! Otherwise, pretty awesome for only $150... it's small but I think it's plenty for my application.
Dont drill any holes,older A/C units used to drip condensation newer ones use it to cool the condenser by splashing back on it using the condenser cooling fan.
I may have misunderstood,but in an earlier post I thought you mentioned be concerned with using c02 with A/C. unit cooling the room. Not a problem A/C just recirculates room air and cools it,as well as dehumidifying the air mass. They are perfect for sealed rooms.


Well-Known Member
found the water, it leaks out of the front under the face I must have had it very level because it was coming out equally from the corners of both ends, I tilted one end up so it's leaning down into the room and at an angle, looks funny can be shaken if I try to but seems to be pretty solid, sucks because it leaks right onto one of the 2x4's I use to raise it up so I angled that one all funny which (bugs me because I am kind of OCD about stuff looking stupid or wrong) but when it's all hidden by the poly I think I'll like the setup.

Since the location of the drainage is a rather 'broad' area of about 3-4 inches and varies slightly I am going to rig a standard 6" funnel under that corner before I poly it all up and just put some generic silicone hose on it and route it to wherever I want. I think it's going to work, may be ghetto but work none the less... I'll attempt to do it tonight (if I have time) and get some new pics up otherwise tomorrow probably.

I also just got a 50ft roll of 10/2 romex I am going to run a 30amp circuit with and just do 4 120v outlets in a single box inside the grow room, I found a bunch of spare breakers but damnit it's 2 15's and 2 40's neither of which are the correct size so I guess I'll have to wait another day to get a breaker. Hoping to have that all wired and done tomorrow shouldnt take more than 30 minutes I wouldn't think running the wire will be simple too but I might need to use damn near the whole 50 feet.
I HAD TO CHIME IN AGAIN, Install that A/C with a slight dip back,dont dip it forward,and dont try to drain that water out or you will over heat the condenser and burn up the unit. Look at the bottom of the unit,you should see it has a low area stamped into the casing,thats there to hold a condensation/water res. that is used to cool the condenser.
Also you could just install that unit like you would in a window. Just frame a hole in the wall and install it. Like I mentioned b4, A/C wont expel your c02, it will just recirculate it within the room, again A/C DOES NOT EXCHANGE ROOM AIR IT RECIRCULATES IT.
As far as your wiring goes ,best rule of thumb is oversize your wire--NOT your breaker . I use 8. gauge and 30amp breaker, that way if I need to run more power later on,I dont have to rewire,and its just common sense to make your breaker the weak link in the circuit.


Well-Known Member
Dont drill any holes,older A/C units used to drip condensation newer ones use it to cool the condenser by splashing back on it using the condenser cooling fan.
I may have misunderstood,but in an earlier post I thought you mentioned be concerned with using c02 with A/C. unit cooling the room. Not a problem A/C just recirculates room air and cools it,as well as dehumidifying the air mass. They are perfect for sealed rooms.
Yeah, definitely not drilling any holes... I would feel strange destroying a brand new A/C (I mean it's cheaper than dirt but still, it's brand new lol) I think angling it forward like I have and tilting it so one corner is slightly lower than the others so everything drips from that corner is working just fine. It does do the fan & splash thing on the condenser as well I believe and I think that's still working just fine with the tilt I have given it although it's tilted in the opposite intended direction than they normally are so maybe it's negating everything.

About the Co2, that's exactly why I bought a window unit and not a dual hose portable unit, they leak way too much of the atmosphere from what I hear and a mini-split was not a reasonable expense for me right now. I think this is going to work great, I won't be running Co2 for a short while anyway I still need to get a tank (want a 50lb) and regulator/controller/etc. If I thought the A/C could handle it I'd get the smallest propane unit I could find but my room is too small anyway I just want to refill as infrequently as possible I could probably get by on a 20lb tank too and still get a few weeks out of it I bet.


Well-Known Member
I HAD TO CHIME IN AGAIN, Install that A/C with a slight dip back,dont dip it forward,and dont try to drain that water out or you will over heat the condenser and burn up the unit. Look at the bottom of the unit,you should see it has a low area stamped into the casing,thats there to hold a condensation/water res. that is used to cool the condenser.
Also you could just install that unit like you would in a window. Just frame a hole in the wall and install it. Like I mentioned b4, A/C wont expel your c02, it will just recirculate it within the room, again A/C DOES NOT EXCHANGE ROOM AIR IT RECIRCULATES IT.
As far as your wiring goes ,best rule of thumb is oversize your wire--NOT your breaker . I use 8. gauge and 30amp breaker, that way if I need to run more power later on,I dont have to rewire,and its just common sense to make your breaker the weak link in the circuit.

Thanks! I will figure out a new way to mount this then, are you sure it won't drip into my crawl space or anything if it's angled back properly? I am going to do it the correct way... I just need to figure out if it's leaking into my crawl space at some point... I'll run it for a day or something and search for traces if there are none I'll just assume it's good to go... hopefully it doesn't steam up the crawl space too much. Thanks again for the information!


Well-Known Member
I just ran down there and tilted it the correct way, my 'hot air box' on the back is actually an 18g (or similar sized) tote which was the exact size of the air conditioner, it was almost meant to be. I am wondering if I can just drill a little hole in the lowest back corner of the tote and fig as snugly as possible some tubing to drain it, I know that condenser cooling thing you mentioned is true because I read something like that as well, the information for my unit says the lean is for condensate utilization and drainage so I assume overflow or more than can be used still drains out the back and thus will eventually flood my tote / become stagnant and nasty if I don't do something about it. I think this should work just fine or even if it does not drain at all it would still be a precautionary measure since I have a lot of stuff stored in that crawl space.

I just don't know if I can get the entire unit to lean enough to keep the water in the tote, the A/C itself is angled enough but the tote is oddly shaped around the top and is sorta lifting itself up.
Nice progress there! How do you plan to use your intake/exhaust ducting? Not for the window AC? Unless you have no window?

Got all 3 of my 600's now, who knows may add another one eventually -- Also bought a new window A/C unit for about $150 (6000BTU) so I am hoping it will be sufficient enough to maintain low 80's during my lights on, plan on building Intake/Exhaust ducting and using a 6" Hydrofarm fan to suck the heat from the back with passive intake based on other DIY write ups I have seen, hoping it gets the job done considering I failed at finding a decent used unit.
So I'm not sure if I get this right. Did you notice how on the outer part of the AC unit, there is a fan that scoops the water that is there and splashes it on the condenser? I would assume the more water comes in, the more it gets splashed around. If it comes out at all, it should be a spray from the fan, not draining on the bottom.

Unless it is not positioned right (see instructions for install, I am venturing to guess they say keep the unit level). So there should be no water leaks, at most some "spray". What exactly is your experience?

I just ran down there and tilted it the correct way, my 'hot air box' on the back is actually an 18g (or similar sized) tote which was the exact size of the air conditioner, it was almost meant to be. I am wondering if I can just drill a little hole in the lowest back corner of the tote and fig as snugly as possible some tubing to drain it, I know that condenser cooling thing you mentioned is true because I read something like that as well, the information for my unit says the lean is for condensate utilization and drainage so I assume overflow or more than can be used still drains out the back and thus will eventually flood my tote / become stagnant and nasty if I don't do something about it. I think this should work just fine or even if it does not drain at all it would still be a precautionary measure since I have a lot of stuff stored in that crawl space.