likes or dislikes


Well-Known Member
We need a dislike option on post not just a like........Thumb up or Down would be nice so we can Agree to disagree!!!


Well-Known Member
Yea guess your RT but damn i wanna dislike and not have to reply because its just so dumb.And feel obligated too......


Ursus marijanus
I do it manually. If there's a post I dislike enough to be worth a post, but don't want to get mired in a discussion, I'll just quote and say "Dislike". I don't do it often, so i feel it adds that little bit of extra emphasis to the dislike. cn


Well-Known Member
Exactly my point!! Agree to Disagree without confrontation.Dislikes only handled via PM,lol


Well-Known Member
I do it manually. If there's a post I dislike enough to be worth a post, but don't want to get mired in a discussion, I'll just quote and say "Dislike". I don't do it often, so i feel it adds that little bit of extra emphasis to the dislike. cn



Staff member
thumbs down options should never be put imho, too many assholes will down vote good ideas or things, people will go out of their way to down vote, it shouldnt be an option in youtube or anything its just a bad idea


Well-Known Member
I need a way to vent sometimes and some ppl just pick at your post.So gonna try the bear method you guys have opened my eyes it would cause havac with all the trolls and feed there fire,they would love a new way to Flame.....


Well-Known Member
I realized when I came back my like count was rest to zero. I was super bummed out. So it took me untill last night to get the like back up to the likes given. It happen when both were at 666 last night. I wanted to make a thread saying don't like my posts! So it would stay at 666 :fire: Then I realized people would probably like that fuck out of that post just to spite me. So I didn't.