Club 600


Well-Known Member
A guy could have a lot of fun with that looping gear.

Is anyone else growing, or grown some Casey Jones? I know, dumb question. I have two very different phenos going here and wondering if they look familiar to anyone? Group shot, left to right, top to bottom, CJ, CJ, Double Koosh, Deep Psychosis x2, Double Koosh, Dog X Extrema, Strawberry Sour Diesel x2.
2012-09-07 19.18.30.jpg

Casey 1 and 2 #2 has the most coarsely serrated leaves I've had in a plant.
2012-09-07 19.16.38.jpg2012-09-07 19.16.47.jpg2012-09-07 19.16.54.jpg

Thanks. :peace:

I really like that UVB info and idea.


Well-Known Member
Saved the best for last:

(*live performance was recorded in 1981, song was from 1977. I just prefer posting live performances rather than studio releases whenever possible)



Well-Known Member
Saved the best for last:

(*live performance was recorded in 1981, song was from 1977. I just prefer posting live performances rather than studio releases whenever possible)

I saw this show two night's in a row, which was the Moving Pictures tour. I also say Hemisphere's once and Signals twice, again back to back nights.

Cools article here


Active Member
pretty sure i spotted the first signs of some pm on my afghani's....pretty bummed about it, im gonna see how far it spreads overnight to see if finishing out the week is even an option for them....would really be nice to let them go at least that much longer, theyre so close....i guess i could chop the top cola with the mold and leave the rest to finish maybe....all of the bahia's are fine and need more time anyhow

anyways...thought i'd share....we'll see tomorrow if im choppin or not


Well-Known Member
I hope the boys get down towards Portland again.
Will definitely spring for another VIP package.
(still jealous of your proximity to them)

The article was a good read!
Now if only the governments will pay attention.


Well-Known Member
You might have to log in with a youtube/gmail account to watch it:



600s are effic...... im one year in on grwn---- finally cracked the code-- STRAIN~~/ LIGHT INTENSITY/ nutr----- if all are the best- you can do 20-24 oz dried cured donatable buds--- 2 month veg/ 10 wk flower from 12/12--- canna cogr/ sunmaster bulbs/canna nutr/ just started mycorizzhae sp? HAVE TO HAVE IT- read about it------

if antyone wants more info... email is better/

i do watering tables, dtw cogr, canna everything, myco every 2 weeks,


curious old fart

Well-Known Member
There's hope
DENVER (AP) — Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan says the federal government shouldn't interfere with states that have legalized medical marijuana.
The Wisconsin congressman tells KRDO-TV in Colorado Springs that he personally doesn't approve of medical marijuana laws. But he says that states should have the right to choose whether to legalize the drug for medical purposes.
In response to a reporter's question, Ryan said: "It's up to Coloradans to decide."
The interview was taped while Ryan campaigned this week in Colorado Springs and aired Friday.
Colorado is one of 17 states, plus the District of Columbia, that allow medical marijuana.
The Obama administration at first signaled that it wouldn't interfere with state-sanctioned marijuana distribution. But the Justice Department has since angered marijuana activists by shutting down dispensaries in California and Colorado


I have a cj, but her leaves aren't as fat as yours. I'll try to get a pic.



Well-Known Member
Hey nikob. Welcome. Many of us here use mycorrhizae and know how great it is. You should know that more than one application is unnecessary and redundant. I has to make contact directly with the roots and from there, as long as the environment is right, it will just grow on it's own form there. I soak my seed in kelp for a couple of hours and then coat the seed with the mycorr. I will then apply one more time directly to the roots when I transplant into their first small pot.

Here's a segment from that article.
[h=2]How To Apply Mycorrhizal Spores[/h] The best time to apply mycorrhizal inoculant is at the nursery during the plant production stage, but since your plants probably didn’t have that done, the next best time is at planting/seeding/sodding. This will allow you to establish contact between the fungi and plant roots, which is important because that’s where the relationship occurs.
There’s no benefit to foliar feeding with mycorrhizal fungi, as they need to touch the roots. We can, however, mix them with biostimulants before application. Mycorrhizal products shouldn’t need to be applied more than once to each plant, unless your management practices are harming them.
Rub the fungi directly on the root ball if possible, or sprinkle in the planting hole. For seed, mix it dry with the seed before spreading. For sod, get a powder form of the fungi, mix with water, and spray it on the soil right before you lay the sod, or even better, right on the bottom of the sod. You could spray it on afterwards as well and water it down to the root zone.
While not as good, the other choice is to apply the product to existing landscapes. The powder form is best for mixing with water to get the spores to infiltrate into the soil. For turf, it’s better to do this right after aerating so more of the spores get down to the roots. Otherwise, it can be watered in, but will not be as effective on heavy clay or very compacted soils.


Well-Known Member
There's hope
DENVER (AP) — Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan says the federal government shouldn't interfere with states that have legalized medical marijuana.
The Wisconsin congressman tells KRDO-TV in Colorado Springs that he personally doesn't approve of medical marijuana laws. But he says that states should have the right to choose whether to legalize the drug for medical purposes.
In response to a reporter's question, Ryan said: "It's up to Coloradans to decide."
The interview was taped while Ryan campaigned this week in Colorado Springs and aired Friday.
Colorado is one of 17 states, plus the District of Columbia, that allow medical marijuana.
The Obama administration at first signaled that it wouldn't interfere with state-sanctioned marijuana distribution. But the Justice Department has since angered marijuana activists by shutting down dispensaries in California and Colorado


I have a cj, but her leaves aren't as fat as yours. I'll try to get a pic.

I haven't gotten to try this strain yet, really looking forward to it though. Have you finished any yet, if so how's it rate for you?