Romney: I will fight medical marijuana tooth and nail


Well-Known Member
'I would not legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes, and the reasons are straightforward: As I talk to people in my state and at the federal government level about marijuana and its role in society, they are convinced that the entry way into a drug culture for our young people is marijuana. Marijuana is the starter drug....The idea of medical marijuana is designed to get marijuana out in the public marketplace and ultimately lead to the legalization of marijuana overall. And in my view, that's the wrong way to go. I know that other people have differing views. If you'd like to get someone who is in favor of marijuana, I know there are some on the Democratic side of the aisle who will be happy to get in your campaign. But I'm opposed to it, and if you elect me president, you're not going to see legalized marijuana. I'm going to fight it tooth and nail.'


Active Member
holy crap!This guy is a complete asshole....make it harder to get pot so kids wont do other drugs.....what a load of crap, apperently dropping from a complete piece of shit.


Well-Known Member
Yes, he has said this, yet some people on here seem to think he won't try to make things worse for MMJ and legalization efforts. Delusion is powerful with some here.


Well-Known Member
Yes, he has said this, yet some people on here seem to think he won't try to make things worse for MMJ and legalization efforts. Delusion is powerful with some here.

Bain Capital has over $200 million invested in pharmaceutical companies and over $75 million invested in private prison contractors, these people in here for Romney are like chickens supporting Colonel Sanders.


Well-Known Member
Bain Capital has over $200 million invested in pharmaceutical companies and over $75 million invested in private prison contractors, these people in here for Romney are like chickens supporting Colonel Sanders.
Romney no longer works for Bain Capital....

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Obama just has a public face of not fighting mmj, "tooth and nail." Instead he laughs at us calling it a silly issue. He is/was a marijuana addict. He hires people to do his dirty work. He thinks only his use was justified, and is no different than Gingrich. He's willing to fuck us over for votes. He doesn't care if we're in jail as long as he can get his dick off. That makes him worse than Romney who is doing it for god and some deluded sense of saving us from the evils of a plant which has never killed anyone.


New Member
Don't think he could fight it any harder than Obama, only in his rhetoric is that possible. Obama has the record currently, could Mittens Break it? Idk...either way they will both be fighting it "Tooth and Nail"

either way I ain't scurd enough of one of them to vote for the other, not falling for that trick, its sad that many will in one way or another regarding either this or other things, this is exactly what they want.


Well-Known Member
Yes, he has said this, yet some people on here seem to think he won't try to make things worse for MMJ and legalization efforts. Delusion is powerful with some here.
Those people just dont like Obama for one reason or another or they are just uber butt hurt Ron "the racist" Paul didnt make it again


Well-Known Member
I prefer pot stay illegal.
I don't want it commercialized, monopolized and regulated.
I say you can't regulate a natural plant that
grows in soil. I am the counter culture and
fuck mainstream.


Well-Known Member
Obama just has a public face of not fighting mmj, "tooth and nail." Instead he laughs at us calling it a silly issue. He is/was a marijuana addict. He hires people to do his dirty work. He thinks only his use was justified, and is no different than Gingrich. He's willing to fuck us over for votes. He doesn't care if we're in jail as long as he can get his dick off. That makes him worse than Romney who is doing it for god and some deluded sense of saving us from the evils of a plant which has never killed anyone.

Marijuana addict? You been watching old episodes of Dragnet again?


Well-Known Member
In the current state of our Democracy it is more important to move towards a goal than to expect we can reach it.Obama cannot "legalize for us." We have to do that ourselves but we can choose who sits in the Veto Seat of the Oval Office in case some good laws pro-marijuana get there and I'd say and you all can agree that Obama is more likely to NOT-VETO pro-marijuana laws.

Romney is promising to tip the scales between Social Spending and Military Spending in the favor or War-Spending so where do you think his stance on smoking weed for fun and medical use is? Yes right behind the glass on the visitor side of Lethal Injection for pot growers because they are the cause of the drug plague!

Romney believes the Earth is about 5000 years old (Mormon Beliefs are not disputable) He believes the South American's are the Lost Tribe of Israel.
Mormons have held the belief that black people are black because God has punished them.

So what can we expect from someone who is obviously a Leader in a Church as President? Repeal of Mandatory Minimums?
Get ready for God's wrath (through Romney and Ryan) on Drug users, Gays, and all others such as those expecting food stamps to feed their families.

So realize that we are at a crossroads and we must choose one over the other. I for one have needed Government assistance for three years now because there are no jobs but record profits for our Corporations.


Well-Known Member
Look at tobacco dumbass, it's a plant, it's commercialized and regulated. Shut the fuck up.
You should take a look at tobacco.
So you don't mind the "extras" the govt. lets the tobacco companies put in smokes?


Well-Known Member
You should take a look at tobacco.
So you don't mind the "extras" the govt. lets the tobacco companies put in smokes?
Strawman argument

just say your a racist douchebag and you will vote for anyone other than the black man

And dont go accusing me of playing the race card. You are one of the few here who has earned the label "racist"


Well-Known Member
Strawman argument

just say your a racist douchebag and you will vote for anyone other than the black man

And dont go accusing me of playing the race card. You are one of the few here who has earned the label "racist"
i must have missed that. clue me in?


Well-Known Member
I prefer pot stay illegal.
I don't want it commercialized, monopolized and regulated.
I say you can't regulate a natural plant that
grows in soil. I am the counter culture and
fuck mainstream.
This is the problem the MMJ profiteers also does not want it legal.


Well-Known Member
It’s quite evident that Romney as a bone up is ass about marijuana and its users, also evident that putting him into office would only make thing worst for us. It’s like kissing the hand that will eventually beat you.