How do you tell when your plants are ready for harvest? Newbie!!!


Made it through all the bull shit, now i think im ready to cut em down. Leaves are turning yellow, buds look full and dense. But what it a true way to tell when it is the right day to cut em down? Im thinking aboot drying on screens. Hasnt failed me with the outdoor buds. Or is hanging upside down from the main stem better? How much of the leaf do you all trim off?

Thanks boys!!!!!


No scope bro, and no pictures. on week 6 of bloom, almost 7no nutrients for almost 2 weeks, flushing them good


Well-Known Member
The pistils red/brown and retracted? I always go by a scope. You can get a loupe for $5.


Well-Known Member
If the pist are turning amber and are greater than 50 to 60 percent than you can be ready. The longer you wait the more of a body high you will get. Depends on what you want when you are done. I wait because that is what I need something to put me to sleep


Well-Known Member
If you can determine body high or cerebral high based on how long you flower, doesn't that make all of the different strains a massive gimmick?


Well-Known Member
If the pist are turning amber and are greater than 50 to 60 percent than you can be ready. The longer you wait the more of a body high you will get. Depends on what you want when you are done. I wait because that is what I need something to put me to sleep
pistils have nothing to do with ripeness. i have some strains that pistilsnwill be almost all red at week 4 but they are not done until almost week 9. trichs are the determining factor of ripeness.


Well-Known Member
pistils have nothing to do with ripeness. i have some strains that pistilsnwill be almost all red at week 4 but they are not done until almost week 9. trichs are the determining factor of ripeness.
Exactly. pistils used to be the old fashioned way of checking.