Romney: I will fight medical marijuana tooth and nail


Well-Known Member
How long to expect to support this cycle? Where is the end? What's the goal? Right now we don't have enough jobs for Americans why give millions a free passes and if you do how do you stop it in the future?
you didn't answer the question, socky mcsockdouche.


Well-Known Member
so you support sending children back to a country they have never known or called home instead of making them productive, taxpaying citizens?
Those childrens parents should have taken that possibility into account when they broke our countries laws by coming here illegally.


Well-Known Member
Those childrens parents should have taken that possibility into account when they broke our countries laws by coming here illegally.
ok, but it's no fault of the kid. you're going to punish the kid for something their parents did? not only is that cold-hearted, it's against the very things you righties argue elsewhere.

if we were to punish children for the mistakes of their parents, we should go lock up the kids of former slave owners!

cold as fuck dude. no wonder the GOP (and the lunatic fringe that subscribe to their immigration beliefs) is a dying party.


Well-Known Member
A work visa? Post a link
I have a good friend who was born here but his family is from Honduras and is trying to get his pregnant wife here. The process, from what he told me is retarded and complex. If she was from Europe she'd be here by now. For you to think it's easy is insulting. Why do you think people risk their lives doing it illegal? It's actually easier, they pay something like 6 grand(USD) to take a chance at dying, going to jail or getting caught and told to turn around. If you really think it's a cake walk you are a complete jackass and I feel bad for you.


Well-Known Member
Regardless even if we did give amnesty we have to start punishing at some point we cannot continue the cycle.
There was a time when some white guys showed up, shot some natives and stole their land. I suppose that was ok. But it's not ok for some illegals to come here looking for work to support their family. Hell most of them that come here aren't trying to stay they're just looking for work because all that's in Mexico are cartels. You can thank America for that one too. Prohibition has worked so well hasn't it?

I bet you just think you're so intelligent. You're just as dumb as a sack of potatoes.