

Well-Known Member
Yes, that's what true gender means. Correct me if I'm wrong but all passports ask for gender, not just Merica
Yes, but not all countries let you choose what you are.

So is the "true gender" the one you're born with or the one you choose?


Well-Known Member

in his last year in office, they had a good year and still ranked worse than the national average. on a good year.

over the entire 4 years, his job creation rate was 47th. near dead last. that is according to your own fact checkers.

lern 2 reading comprehension, homey.
Actually it's pretty clear that about everything the left throws out about Romney is inaccurate or misleading.


Well-Known Member
Actually it's pretty clear that about everything the left throws out about Romney is inaccurate or misleading.
Like Obama had come into office with the worst recession since 08? That's just complete bullshit isn't it. But you'll suck mittens dick and toot his horn in a minute. You're a fucking moron. I really hope you're just trolling. No one can be that stupid.


Well-Known Member
Actually it's pretty clear that about everything the left throws out about Romney is inaccurate or misleading.
according to your fact checkers, mr. romney was 47th in job creation over his term as governor, just as i stated.

you wanna answer my question about you getting a ticket for your dad speeding to his "greese" trap installation job?


Well-Known Member
according to your fact checkers, mr. romney was 47th in job creation over his term as governor, just as i stated.

you wanna answer my question about you getting a ticket for your dad speeding to his "greese" trap installation job?
With misleading number as it stated, he did a very good job as gubna. Sorry to burst your bubble but his record is better than Obamas.


Well-Known Member
What's with all the ignorance here? It's good comical relief but other than that it's sad. Has anyone came up with one LEGIT reason as to why they are going to vote for mittens instead of Obama?
Here are three very LEGIT reasons.

1. During Obama's reign the 2 parties are as seperated as they have ever been. Every past president was able to come up with compromises to get what he wanted passed. Even the dreaded George W. Bush couldnt have done what he did without the help of the Dems. I just dont see him managing to get back in the type of graces he needs to be in to get things done. Look at the book coming out and recently released audio transcripts from Obama admitting that had he known Ryan was attending the meeting he never would have said the things he said. "it was a mistake". I dont think Obama can fix the seperation that he has largely caused.
2. Obama has no idea how to fix the economy. Erskine Bowles pointed out how Obama's budget plan wasnt even taken seriously and voted down 97-0. Where as he praised Ryan as being a sincere guy who wanted to fix the economy.
3. Obama's energy plan is hurting much more than helping at this point. Basically any thing that requires coal is off the table. He said something like we arent saying people cant open businesses using coal, we will just fine them so much they will go bankrupt.
This is something we have to get a grip on. Yes, we are tearing up the earth and destroying the atmosphere and depleting resources. Thats what population does. We have 4 billion people on the planet and we live the way we do. The only thing that is going to change the consumption of resources is awhole lot less people consuming those resources. By all means spend money on research to lead to more environmental friendly energy sources in the future. Right now, we have to do what we have to do. If we blow out the ozone, whats the worst that happens? Alot of people die, the earth repairs itself, and things start over. Isnt that what most liberals want anyway?


Well-Known Member
With misleading number as it stated, he did a very good job as gubna. Sorry to burst your bubble but his record is better than Obamas.
it didn't state misleading. this is what it stated, verbatim.

" It’s true that over Romney’s four years as governor, the state ranked 47th out of 50 states in percentage of job growth. "

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I'm trolling? Do explain.
Nobody could be so stupid to really imply that Obama is a good choice for dog catcher, not to mention president. Since nobody could possibly be that stupid then you must be trolling.

"As an American I am not so shocked that Obama was given the Nobel
Peace Prize without any accomplishments to his name, but that
America gave him the White House based on the same credentials." - -
Newt Gingrich


Well-Known Member
Nobody could be so stupid to really imply that Obama is a good choice for dog catcher, not to mention president. Since nobody could possibly be that stupid then you must be trolling.

"As an American I am not so shocked that Obama was given the Nobel
Peace Prize without any accomplishments to his name, but that
America gave him the White House based on the same credentials." - -
Newt Gingrich
Quoting that Amphibian lost all the credibility you'd built up with the rest of your post.


Well-Known Member
Nobody could be so stupid to really imply that Obama is a good choice for dog catcher, not to mention president. Since nobody could possibly be that stupid then you must be trolling.

"As an American I am not so shocked that Obama was given the Nobel
Peace Prize without any accomplishments to his name, but that
America gave him the White House based on the same credentials." - -
Newt Gingrich

race baiter quotes race baiter. lol.


Well-Known Member
Here are three very LEGIT reasons.

1. During Obama's reign the 2 parties are as seperated as they have ever been. Every past president was able to come up with compromises to get what he wanted passed. Even the dreaded George W. Bush couldnt have done what he did without the help of the Dems. I just dont see him managing to get back in the type of graces he needs to be in to get things done. Look at the book coming out and recently released audio transcripts from Obama admitting that had he known Ryan was attending the meeting he never would have said the things he said. "it was a mistake". I dont think Obama can fix the seperation that he has largely caused. So it's Obama's fault the Republicans are being dirty assholes and not wanting to meet in the middle even though he has come their way a lot and it's on record if you care to look it up.

2. Obama has no idea how to fix the economy. Erskine Bowles pointed out how Obama's budget plan wasnt even taken seriously and voted down 97-0. Where as he praised Ryan as being a sincere guy who wanted to fix the economy.
So despite him coming into office In January 2009 when we were losing a record 800,000 jobs per month, we have been gaining jobs every month for the past 2.5 years. That's not fixing? You and I have very different ideas on what fixing is my friend.

3. Obama's energy plan is hurting much more than helping at this point. Basically any thing that requires coal is off the table. He said something like we arent saying people cant open businesses using coal, we will just fine them so much they will go bankrupt.
Coal is amazingly damaging to the Earth. You know the big ball(that is also alive) hurdling through the Universe we happen live on. Shall we just destroy it? Where should we go next? Mars? Fuck our future generations right? As long as we have cheap energy TODAY, that's all that matters. GENIUS.

This is something we have to get a grip on. Yes, we are tearing up the earth and destroying the atmosphere and depleting resources.
You say that then you turn around and say "fuck Obama for not wanting clean coal" Thats what population does. We have 4 billion people on the planet and we live the way we do. We have 7 billion people on this planet. We haven't had 4 billion since the 1970's The only thing that is going to change the consumption of resources is awhole lot less people consuming those resources. By all means spend money on research to lead to more environmental friendly energy sources in the future. Right now, we have to do what we have to do. If we blow out the ozone, whats the worst that happens? Alot of people die, the earth repairs itself, and things start over. Isnt that what most liberals want anyway?

Have you been living in a cave since the 70's. I'm kind of stumped you think our population is "only" 4 billion.

I do have a question for you. Is your goal A: To be right or B: to find the right answers?

If it's "A", this is where I end my discussion with you. Everything I've stated in this post is fact, you can look it up if you care enough. It's not just smoke blown out of my ass or quotes from TV news pundits.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Quoting that Amphibian lost all the credibility you'd built up with the rest of your post.
Yeah, I am not crazy about the lizard either but he is exactly correct in that quote and I always give credit when I use other people's material.

<edit> The rest of my post was a simple troll of Mr2shimp.


Well-Known Member
Nobody could be so stupid to really imply that Obama is a good choice for dog catcher, not to mention president. Since nobody could possibly be that stupid then you must be trolling.
You have yet to provide one legitimate reason as to why you're not voting for him. You did however post some pretty racist remarks. You yourself don't even know why you're not voting for him. All you do know is that he's black and a socialist just like your buddy Rush Limbaugh has told you.

I can tell you right now why I'm voting for him. Our economy is on the upswing. Sure it may be slow, but it is a lot better than it was 4 years ago. We've been gaining jobs every month for 2.5 years. How is that not progress? Is it not good enough? Are you not voting for him because he didn't have the economy fixed in 3 weeks? That and I'd rather not take a change with another Republican. See where the last one got us.


Well-Known Member
You have yet to provide one legitimate reason as to why you're not voting for him. You did however post some pretty racist remarks. You yourself don't even know why you're not voting for him. All you do know is that he's black and a socialist just like your buddy Rush Limbaugh has told you.
He puts too much stock into stupid fucks like pelosi and biden and refuses to lean center and get congress working. That's it in a nutshell I have nothing against Obama except he is a poor leader and hammering on MMJ. He has good character and attitude he really seems like a cool guy but that don't put food on the table.


Well-Known Member
He puts too much stock into stupid fucks like pelosi and biden and refuses to lean center and get congress working. That's it in a nutshell I have nothing against Obama except he is a poor leader and hammering on MMJ. He has good character and attitude he really seems like a cool guy but that don't put food on the table.
neither do "greese" traps, kiddo.