The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
I seen that, but its only sativex which by all accounts is NOWHERE NEAR as effective as the real thing. still, as you said its a (very small) step in the right direction. that dutch referendum on the coffee shops must be coming up soon. though when you think about it, theres gonna be ways and means around it like young fellas getting an older person to get them beer and fags in the off-license.
the election in 2 days i think..


Active Member
good night for making butter, goin to leave it simmer for 5 hours this time, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Brownies


Active Member
same area dave... well one of them...

well i`m 100% switching its ridiculous the carry on, like its as slow as a wet weekend even watching youtube, like its bareable but not if you were sitting waiting for a film to download, that said i only downloaded two, one for the girls and smokey and the bandit for the young lad.... hardly alot...
unlimited usage with eircom for 40euro a month i have it meself great value

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
you won`t regret waiting...

why do drug dealers always keep you waiting.. like can they not be punctual, some of us are in a hurry to get stoned...;)

ah its only a 50 bag but its mindblowing stuff...


Well-Known Member
Heres an update pic see what you make of it now iamaaror? i thought the leaves were starting to look a little better yesterday so i went and up'd the nutes from 0.9 to 1.2 and i think it looks better today, as for the seedling in pic two it is getting 0.6ec and still no difference, do you think i should up the nute on it too and to how much? maybe 0.9 could it handle that you think?



Well-Known Member
The small one should be alright for 0.9 EC. The damaged leaves wont get any better but look at the new growth on top, is it healthy and gree or does it have problems as well?


Well-Known Member
Also when they are young I don't feed everyday, I let the coco dry fully before feeding again to allow for more root growth.