IS this nute burn? Im a newbie.



This is my 2weeks and 2days old plant.
I gave her nutes last Sunday(Spetmber 9,2012). Manusol growth booster 30-10-10 with a small amount.
After a few days, I experienced this kind of behavior. I flushed her yesterday with 500ml of distilled water.
Is this nute burn? IF YES. What will I do?
Thanks guys! Peace!


Well-Known Member
You can feed them any time but a different strengths.I feed seedlings 5-27-5 strength nutes until a week old and diluted that to half the next week and start raising the nutes gradually.
Seedlings need more than a lot of N,once a week comes i consider it no longer a seedling.Week 2 i still feed @ 1/8-1/4 nutes and weeks 3 and 4 @ 1/4-1/2.If the plants look healthy and are not showing any sign of weakness then there is really no need for nutes at that time just water when soil dry.


Im using poting soil/coco peat. It's sad that I dont have pH meter, but im planning to get one ASAP.
Anyways, what till I do to this?



  • yup sorry to say it's a male dude. don't expect much good bud from it but if it's got decent genetics you can save the shit ton of seeds you get and grow them in the future. much luck

are you tellin me that this is a male? haha. sorry im noob here.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it could be very light nute burn. Just don't feed it for a while and see what happens. If you are scared of it being nute burn that is your best bet is to just water for a little bit


Active Member
Marjoh He just means mix it at 1/4 strength really you should do 1/8 cause it looks like you have been over doing it. So if the bottle or whatever says one tbsp per gallon you would do 1/8 of that so 1/8 tbsp per gallon.