Catt's FUN grow!! Lots of CFL's, a T-5 and a whole lotta love!

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Yuk Yuk.. Catt I was in line at the Stop and Shop buying a couple of bottles of MOXIE!! The guy behind me in line said I always wondered who the guy was who bought that shit!! It's foul but I like it.:D

Thanks for the photos Chief! I won't tell anyone you sent them to me and payment is on the way. Sigh... Actually the only thing I get to see naked is my loving wife but Ha Ha, I'm no treat either. Just turned 54 on Monday and I remember when my Johnson hung lower than the jewels. These days when I sit on the hopper the jewels dangle in the water. It just ain't right. Just imagine an old naked man. Yikes!!:?
I've got 10 years on ya...'nuff said :)

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Catt, I just started a thread in harvest and curing asking what scales do people use. I have an old triple beam, but need something more portable. What do you use? (No thread hijack here LOL)


Well-Known Member
Check this out. You can get one of the little handheld ones. make sure it rates up to about 500g and then get a like 44oz big gulp or some shit then put a bowl or a big ziplock in/on it and then zero it. then put your bud in the bowl on top of the big guild or lay your bag accross the top. It's the cheap/very portable alternative to triple beam or a large digi scale.

Empty big gulp... I'm sorry I'm a wow nerd whenever g and u are in the same work i automatically type guild.. obviously.


Well-Known Member
I will tell you what brother. I have a triple beam balance that I stole from my high school in about 1974. I always thought it was just fine until someone gave me unknown name digital scale. The digital scale is slicker than snot on glass. Put on a solo cup, zero it out and quickly weigh to the 10th of a gram.
It will be interesting to see what you come up with and how much you pay

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
I will tell you what brother. I have a triple beam balance that I stole from my high school in about 1974. I always thought it was just fine until someone gave me unknown name digital scale. The digital scale is slicker than snot on glass. Put on a solo cup, zero it out and quickly weigh to the 10th of a gram.
It will be interesting to see what you come up with and how much you pay
I always like the challenge of do ya get what ya pay for or do ya buy hype. I've seen units for between $7.60 and $110. We'll see :)


Well-Known Member
Lmao, they are a dime a dozen round here... But I like the shady stores;) shit, the (under a)shell stations even sell meth pipes.. Smh.. "ya, I'll take one o those glass dicks... No the purple one.. Ya thx"

Fook! I just need some fuel, and my tea plz!

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
$7.60 That sounds like a price you w.ould see at Walmarts
Look up the AWS-600 digital scale...saw it for $6.50 today....same one a friend had with him today to weigh some bubble hash we made. First he said he paid $70 for it, then he said he paid $50 for it, then he said, "Oh that must be a knock-off" until I buried him in detail and he caved LOL.

Catt where are you? I've hijacked another one of your threads while we await your return :)


Well-Known Member
Catt is either sitting there watching Shorty Jr grow or taking care of the business of life. I don't think she will mind if we borrow her thread Numsi. She is a good sharer.

I love the idea of a $6.50 scale my brother. I don't know how much weighing you plan on doing but I doubt I'm gonna burn mine out. I have not checked out your link but it can't be sold as being related to anything involving weed. Put a pot leaf on the side of a $5.00 bottle of fertilizer and you can sell it for $10.00. :? We will buy anything!!:D

That's freakin pissa Owl. The shell here sells flavored blunt makings and something called "Bath Salts". I guess if you smoke it or sumpin you trip out die or some other cool shit. I love drugs and I haven't fucked with it. Ha Ha... I was volunteering in a homeless shelter when I learned what 40 Mucinex can do to you. Funny how it's behind the counter with the cough medicine and sudafed now....

Stoned and rambling again. I bet next time I drop in Catt will have thrown up an update. Hope all is well sister.:peace: 54 years old and never smoked a blunt. WTF.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Catt is either sitting there watching Shorty Jr grow or taking care of the business of life. I don't think she will mind if we borrow her thread Numsi. She is a good sharer.

I love the idea of a $6.50 scale my brother. I don't know how much weighing you plan on doing but I doubt I'm gonna burn mine out. I have not checked out your link but it can't be sold as being related to anything involving weed. Put a pot leaf on the side of a $5.00 bottle of fertilizer and you can sell it for $10.00. :? We will buy anything!!:D

That's freakin pissa Owl. The shell here sells flavored blunt makings and something called "Bath Salts". I guess if you smoke it or sumpin you trip out die or some other cool shit. I love drugs and I haven't fucked with it. Ha Ha... I was volunteering in a homeless shelter when I learned what 40 Mucinex can do to you. Funny how it's behind the counter with the cough medicine and sudafed now....

Stoned and rambling again. I bet next time I drop in Catt will have thrown up an update. Hope all is well sister.:peace: 54 years old and never smoked a blunt. WTF.
64 and I don't do blunts either. The only tricky thing about the AWS-600 is that you need a 1g weight to make sure the measurements don't jump around. I now know 2 people with them and they have the same complaint. I can use my triple beam, but when we crank up production for real in the spring we'll need 2 scales. I have a huge number of choices of what I can do with 2 tents and a lot of equipment :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Peeps :) Before I go reading through all the GREAT stuff I've missed....I thought you ALL deserved an update.

Shorty is 5 WEEKS old from sprout 12/12 as of yesterday. I see LOTS of ladybud sites :) I was just waaaay too chicken to bondage So I'm just gonna let her do her thing and see what happens. I am amazed that she is still getting sooooo tall in such a tiny pot! A little over 2ft now :o. I've been feeding her the Fish and Fish/Seaweed when I feel she's hungry. No real schedule for her cuz I've been oober busy this football season. We won our game Saturday YAY!!!!
I have 388W of CFL on her. 2 68w and 6 42w totally surrounding her. Watering about 20oz every 3 Days or so. I'm still moving the light up a little each day. She's def. showing off more of her sativa traits :) Do you guys thinks it's OK to remove the lower growth that isn't really doing much of anything?

Here's the pics :)


The cold temps at night have been working out to my advantage :) I flip on the exhaust and intake when lights come on at 9pm and it keeps the closet a lovely 80 degrees. Then at 9am I flip it off and it stays around 64-68 during the day while lights are off. I may need to throw the little heater in there pretty soon.... :o


Well-Known Member
Yea take the lower stuff off. I promise you will love the results as soon as you start getting into some bondage. Go smoke a fatty and read 50 shades of grey! The BAM you will be ready ;P


Well-Known Member
Look at all those little nugs, I like the delay in updates. The change is fantastic your little girl looks like she is going to reward you just like her mom. :weed:

I'd let them little suckers at the bottom get a little longer then clip them and clone, grow them out in a normal light cycle.


Well-Known Member
The Catt came back!! Cool. I knew you were messing with the beginning of the school year and football and such. You know I actually miss those days. I did not miss many of my daughter's soccer games thats for sure. Two reasons really... One being when they look over at the side lines you should be there and the second reason is I didn't have anything else to do. When you got kids they are it!! Catt if you baby your offspring like you do your plants then I am afraid you have very spoiled children. Good thing all you have up there in the middle of no where is a general store. You would go broke buying clothes instead of penny candy if there was a mall near by.:-(:-P

How long do you have into this little grow. Seems like you could be doing a full out grow in the same amount of time. Thats girl has too much leg to make her do as you wish. You would snap her in half. Are you in the running in the little cup 12/12 competition?

Two schools of thought on unwanted growth... One is get rid of it you don't need it and the other is leave every little leaf on the plant that you can. Each one is like it's own little solar panel powering shorty along. Beep Beep.!!!:dunce:

Bumps my friend... My wife is reading the second "Shades Of Grey" book and last night she muttered something at me and then reached over and punched me in the eye!! WTF is with that? Now that just ain't very freakin erotic!!!:?: Fat chance I'm gonna let her tie me up!! She would beat the stuffing out of me!

Catt I need some good vibes that my girls are going to finish before the New England weather fires up!! I'm worried I did not give my varieties enough thought!! They may need more time then they are gonna get before they get frosted. They are picking up the pace a bit and I hope to have a solid month left to go. :-(

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Welcome back, Catt. If you were polling, then I'd vote snip 'em. If I were a male dog I'd cringe at those words, but as a plant at that age going into your 12/12...I'd do it.


Well-Known Member
looking good cali, cant wait to see the end result.
Thanks rich :) I can't wait either. Easiest grow EVER!! She's smelling like just straight up skunk....I like skunk :)

Yea take the lower stuff off. I promise you will love the results as soon as you start getting into some bondage. Go smoke a fatty and read 50 shades of grey! The BAM you will be ready ;P
Uhhh, did I just hear that I could CLONE them??? That would be so cool to see if I can do that.... I can't read 50 Shades of Grey bumps, all the football Moms are reading it and that's all they talk about. And I really don't like socializing with them too much.....I'm like the mysterious unicorn up! They know little of me and still whisper like little girls in my presence, and I like to keep it that way if ya know what I mean :) Plus, I'm really more of a Stephen King kinda reader....maybe thats where the FEAR comes

I promise, I'm gonna get some kinky stuff going with my next big batch of girls :) You just wait and see....

Look at all those little nugs, I like the delay in updates. The change is fantastic your little girl looks like she is going to reward you just like her mom. :weed:

I'd let them little suckers at the bottom get a little longer then clip them and clone, grow them out in a normal light cycle.
Hey buddy :) Oooohhhh....clone them you say...tell me more :) I can put the mother in-law's armoir to good use!

Welcome back, Catt. If you were polling, then I'd vote snip 'em. If I were a male dog I'd cringe at those words, but as a plant at that age going into your 12/12...I'd do it.
Thanks for the Welcome Nums :) lol, snip em eh??? So far it's 2.5 votes for the snip, snip, 1 for some clones, and 1 to just let it be. We shall see :)