Canndo will answer any question that is stated as such in this thread

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
What do hold Mitt Romney to a different standard with his money? im gonna go out on a limb as to say tax evasion is a federal offense

why do you ask how his money in offshore accounts creates jobs?becuase it money in banks in off shore accounts will never create jobs here in the US. prove me wrong

but Obama's money goes unquestioned . . . . when were his finaces questioned and not answered?


Well-Known Member

Only your part of America doesn't care pal, there's millions who do whether you like it or not.

What do hold Mitt Romney to a different standard with his money, why do you ask how his money in offshore accounts creates jobs but Obama's money goes unquestioned?
Beenthere? are you purposefully being obtuse? No one creates jobs because they can Beenthere, they create jobs because it is a part of their intention to perform a service or create a product. I see that you are quick to jump on the republican talking point with high ideas about free enterprise but you and I have been here before.

NO ONE creates a job because they can, except I suppose if they need to employ their brother in law. They create jobs because work needs to be done that they cannot do themselves.

Perhaps Obama does not have the intellect to blance the budget by his first term, and perhaps more than intellect is needed, and perhaps this is a promise neither he nor anyone else could have kept.

What part of America doesn't care? Most of America doesn't care at this late date about his transcripts. It was only after Romney's tax return debacle that this issue started up in earnest. I had not heard a single thing about his transcripts until very recently and we know this is yet one more Republican sidestep to obscure reality.

BTW, contrary to the "millions" who you claim want to see his transcripts, polls indicate that 56 percent of the American Public want to see Romney's tax returns.

Now, as far as my holding Romney to a different standard? I see you would rather anticipate questions not asked then simply answer those that are. I never said anything about Romney not creating jobs with his money offshore. I don't give a damn what Romney did with his money. You didn't answer the question anyway.

I'll ask it again. How does money kept in an offshore account create jobs in America?


Well-Known Member
What would you say is the percentage of issues that you agree with Obama on if you had to guess? How do you vote for someone who doesn't have a consistent philosophy of government, it seems it would make it difficult to decide whether he is the right candidate to vote for if he doesn't follow a consistent belief system. Its like voting for surprises that you may not agree with, wouldn't it be better to abstain?


Well-Known Member
Isn't it inconsistent to question Rmoneys record but not question Obamas record? Shouldn't we all be arguing for transparency across the board?


Well-Known Member
I want to give Canndo props because he is less partisan than most on here and addresses the argument usually.

In a previous post you had blamed lack of regulation as one of the causes to the housing bubble. Since Brooksley Borne, chair of the Futures Commodities Trade Commission (FCTC...? close enough) appeared in front of Congress and proposed regulations in order to further investigate the bubble before the crash and it didn't work, how can you still look to regulatory committees as a solution?

Since the Federal Reserve created a direct line of credit to the housing market through Fannie and Freddie, allowing for basically unlimited funds for investment, don't you think that this would have lowered the standards for lending, greatly contributing to the seriousness of the crash?
I am not aware of Borne's report but I know that regulations were lax on a number of fronts. AS to a solution, I was under the impression that you were asking about the roots of the last collapse and not about solutions.

I cannot sit here and type that fannie and freddie and Barney had nothing to do with the collapse but I can say that the numbers themselves give those entities the smallest share of blame. Fannie and Freddie did not bundle loans (or many of them), The loans made to the middle class were mostly made by private lenders thaht were not regulated and not directed to make questionable loans. Standards were not existent in the private sector which was where the free for all took place - stated income, inflated value, adjutables and all the rest were primarily middle class situations.


Well-Known Member
What do hold Mitt Romney to a different standard with his money? im gonna go out on a limb as to say tax evasion is a federal offense

why do you ask how his money in offshore accounts creates jobs?becuase it money in banks in off shore accounts will never create jobs here in the US. prove me wrong

but Obama's money goes unquestioned . . . . when were his finaces questioned and not answered?

I agree with your points, however I am not contending that Romney is guilty of any federal tax evasion - at worst he may have had to take advantage of IRS amnesty programs. I can't see Romney breaking the law in this instance - alllthough - he was involved in a case where he assisted in breaking federal law - I am quite sure that Beenthere is not familiar with that.

One of the things that authoritarians do is purposefuly keep themselves ignorant of events that do not contribute to their own ideology. In so doing they can later claim that because they don't know about it, it cannot have happened and furthermore, it slows down the debate as they demand proof for things that the majority have already accepted as fact.


Well-Known Member
I am not aware of Borne's report but I know that regulations were lax on a number of fronts. AS to a solution, I was under the impression that you were asking about the roots of the last collapse and not about solutions.

I cannot sit here and type that fannie and freddie and Barney had nothing to do with the collapse but I can say that the numbers themselves give those entities the smallest share of blame. Fannie and Freddie did not bundle loans (or many of them), The loans made to the middle class were mostly made by private lenders thaht were not regulated and not directed to make questionable loans. Standards were not existent in the private sector which was where the free for all took place - stated income, inflated value, adjutables and all the rest were primarily middle class situations.
Yes, but these private lenders received the funds from Fannie and Freddie and other government sponsored enterprises. In a free market situation, lenders base their loan qualifications on how much funds are available and the likelihood of repayment. If they are given a direct line of credit through these GSE's, then they are going to have more lax requirements for said loans. If lenders can expect a government bailout if shit goes bad, then they are going to be less concerned with probability of repayment. If we didn't have fractional reserve banking, then financial instruments like sub prime mortgages simply would not be allowed to be created. This is why I believe free market principle through monetary policy could have prevented, or at least minimized, the housing bubble.


Well-Known Member
What would you say is the percentage of issues that you agree with Obama on if you had to guess? How do you vote for someone who doesn't have a consistent philosophy of government, it seems it would make it difficult to decide whether he is the right candidate to vote for if he doesn't follow a consistent belief system. Its like voting for surprises that you may not agree with, wouldn't it be better to abstain?
I'd say that I am opposed to about 30 percent of Obama's policies, most of them regarding transparancy, his prosecution of the war on terror, his usurping the rights of the individual, drones, his failure to close gitmo, his failure to bring suspected terrorists to civil trial and of course his breaking his promise regarding pot.

Obama does seem to have a particular philosophy. If you are interested you might read "the new new deal" for a description of what he is currently doing that for some reason he is not advertising. It would not be better to abstain because as I have been saying, we will likely see two or maybe even three new justices in the Supreme court. If you are on RIU for the same reason most of us are, it would be foolish indeed to vote for Romney who's idea of the best justices are alito, scalia and thomas.


Well-Known Member
Isn't it inconsistent to question Rmoneys record but not question Obamas record? Shouldn't we all be arguing for transparency across the board?

No. We have Obama's record before us, in his actions over the last 4 years. We can pretty much tell how he will govern, about the same way as he has governed. We cannot know how Romney will run things and we cannot surmise even from how he says he will because everything changes so often and so violently.


Well-Known Member
Yes, but these private lenders received the funds from Fannie and Freddie and other government sponsored enterprises. In a free market situation, lenders base their loan qualifications on how much funds are available and the likelihood of repayment. If they are given a direct line of credit through these GSE's, then they are going to have more lax requirements for said loans. If lenders can expect a government bailout if shit goes bad, then they are going to be less concerned with probability of repayment. If we didn't have fractional reserve banking, then financial instruments like sub prime mortgages simply would not be allowed to be created. This is why I believe free market principle through monetary policy could have prevented, or at least minimized, the housing bubble.

You forget that the lenders bundled the loans and sold them, they were never stuck with the consequences of their bad loans but handed them off to someone else.


Well-Known Member
No. We have Obama's record before us, in his actions over the last 4 years. We can pretty much tell how he will govern, about the same way as he has governed. We cannot know how Romney will run things and we cannot surmise even from how he says he will because everything changes so often and so violently.
Word. I see Obamas actions as a surprise still, though. Maybe I'm still in shock as I voted for him in 08.


Well-Known Member
You forget that the lenders bundled the loans and sold them, they were never stuck with the consequences of their bad loans but handed them off to someone else.
Yes, but that doesn't change my premise on the relationship between fractional reserve banking and the creation of faulty financial instruments. You cannot blame the free market here because our monetary policy is anything but free.


Well-Known Member
Yes, but that doesn't change my premise on the relationship between fractional reserve banking and the creation of faulty financial instruments. You cannot blame the free market here because our monetary policy is anything but free.

I can blame a market that was unregulated and unwatched. What usually happens is that the right blames the CRA, fannie, freddie, Barney and finally Clinton. I have managed to trace this back to several radiocons and I suspect that the propaganda was diseminated through some of the less known radiocons into the public discourse. We have seen this before with the health care legislation and taking the onus off of BP during the spill.

I don't think, however, I knew the name of the PR firm or even their front organizations so I don't have the proof it would take to convince some here.


Well-Known Member
I can blame a market that was unregulated and unwatched. What usually happens is that the right blames the CRA, fannie, freddie, Barney and finally Clinton. I have managed to trace this back to several radiocons and I suspect that the propaganda was diseminated through some of the less known radiocons into the public discourse. We have seen this before with the health care legislation and taking the onus off of BP during the spill.

I don't think, however, I knew the name of the PR firm or even their front organizations so I don't have the proof it would take to convince some here.

If regulations worked and didn't offer more power to politicians on a silver platter, then I would be all for it. As I said before, the regulatory committee directly responsible for tracking future commodities failed to even be able to pass legislation to account for all of the financial instruments, let alone prevent the crisis from occurring. You can always say that, if a market were regulated properly, then it would have been better off. The problem is regulating it properly is nearly impossible and psychic powers are often needed to do so.


New Member
Beenthere? are you purposefully being obtuse? No one creates jobs because they can Beenthere, they create jobs because it is a part of their intention to perform a service or create a product. I see that you are quick to jump on the republican talking point with high ideas about free enterprise but you and I have been here before.

NO ONE creates a job because they can, except I suppose if they need to employ their brother in law. They create jobs because work needs to be done that they cannot do themselves.

Perhaps Obama does not have the intellect to blance the budget by his first term, and perhaps more than intellect is needed, and perhaps this is a promise neither he nor anyone else could have kept.

What part of America doesn't care? Most of America doesn't care at this late date about his transcripts. It was only after Romney's tax return debacle that this issue started up in earnest. I had not heard a single thing about his transcripts until very recently and we know this is yet one more Republican sidestep to obscure reality.

BTW, contrary to the "millions" who you claim want to see his transcripts, polls indicate that 56 percent of the American Public want to see Romney's tax returns.

Now, as far as my holding Romney to a different standard? I see you would rather anticipate questions not asked then simply answer those that are. I never said anything about Romney not creating jobs with his money offshore. I don't give a damn what Romney did with his money. You didn't answer the question anyway.

I'll ask it again. How does money kept in an offshore account create jobs in America?
I've already answered that question canndo and you know it, being craftily disingenuous is one of your best kept qualities I see.


Ursus marijanus
If regulations worked and didn't offer more power to politicians on a silver platter, then I would be all for it. As I said before, the regulatory committee directly responsible for tracking future commodities failed to even be able to pass legislation to account for all of the financial instruments, let alone prevent the crisis from occurring. You can always say that, if a market were regulated properly, then it would have been better off. The problem is regulating it properly is nearly impossible and psychic powers are often needed to do so.
Yes; regulations can cut both ways. But it's been my read of history that untrammeled markets are good not for the population but for the capitalist (in earlier centuries merchant) class. Imo history does not suport the fee-market philosophies I've seen aired in this section by a vocal minority. cn


Well-Known Member
I've already answered that question canndo and you know it, being craftily disingenuous is one of your best kept qualities I see.

I do not accuse you of being disingenuous, in fact I have come out and stated that we whould likely believe each other. You didn't answer the question, or answer it responsively at the time of the posting of this thread - or, I had not noticed it.

the rest of my post stands beenthere.