quick question


some of my plants are still not growing any bud really its just a few hairs on them its been like that for 5 weeks now, except 1 it is budding up nicely, any ideas?


Well-Known Member
ya just cuz u got em all from the same bud dont mean nothin... but ya i would just guess that its a sat dom strain. got any pics?


ya just cuz u got em all from the same bud dont mean nothin... but ya i would just guess that its a sat dom strain. got any pics?
guess this explains why some are different from others :p i could never figure it out
and not atm i dont but im gunna try and get some asap, but ill wait and see what happens first as suggested ^^ if in 3 weeks theres no progress i will be posting pics and trying to find the damn problem witht these girls


I'm going to throw a dumb question out there...........
What light schedule do you have them on?
yeah man there outdoor cant control that :p
lmao... outdoor section bro. i dont believe he has any control over their light schedule unless he light deps.
i dont even know what light dep is so i def dont do that

AND UPDATE: 3 of my plants were stolen right out of my backyard! i think i know who did it because they seen a plant before i moved them while he was takin a piss its actually a really close friend, such a shame :/ but i still got 3 so hopefully all goes well and he doesnt come back for more :/ and the buds are finally starting to grow on the others so yaaay! :)