Cloning, What else do i need + Questions


Active Member
Mate you don't need anything fancy for cloning, it's a simple thing and so many people over do it and fail. Just be clean, keep moisture levels, temp and humidity right and you will succeed. Jiffy plugs are good but you can use so many cheap mediums, even a glass of water works. I use any medium - rockwool, jiffy pellets, seed raising soil, sphagnum etc, put them in a container, mist them and put a plastic bag or cling wrap over them. Done. Now just gotta resist playing around with them and a couple weeks later - rooted clones.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't say it better. Hell I've gotten to the point I cut dip place in plug and forget about them. If they root they root. My numbers have gone down but I get what I need everytime. You can love a plant to death. I've done that too lol.


Well-Known Member
Listen to those two. I use a plain glass of water. Big drink glass from McDonald's, taped dark with Gorilla Tape. Lid too. Plain old tap water. But charge ahead, lad. Don't do it in a cup and use that money for seed and soil.


Well-Known Member
Basic B12 to dip the cutting in and place in a cup with moist soil is all you need. Or a glass of tap water changed daily. There isn't much to it. Just cut a few more then you need. Some might die. If you want 1 cut 2.