Carne Seca
Well-Known Member
Worse. I had guacamole with the tacos.At least you didn't have snachos. cn

Worse. I had guacamole with the tacos.At least you didn't have snachos. cn
Gesundheit! cnWorse. I had guacamole with the tacos.![]()
Danka shern.Gesundheit! cn
Nearly fell off my heart-shaped chair reading that X3i misread it as "biggest burger"
at first i was like
but then i was like
Your impair is yes. cnWorld Class, My Friedn. I am so foookin smashed on margaritas right now, but nealry every post made me laugh out loud for real. I tried to give mad rep to serveal bu thave to spread it around before I can hit you again. Woulda though all that sporeadina round would have covered it.... anyone?
I know, typos, but I am not correcting them becaus eI want to see how impaired I am
LMFAO !!!!! A doctor preformed a Septoplasty with Biturbinate Reduction.! Basically they opened my nasal cavity by shaving down the bone because i couldn't breath clearly out of my nose. Now, i have about 20 years of boogers backed up in my nasal cavity !What did you do? I have broken my nose half a dozen times and know that monster has kin in my cavity. Did they smash it all up and start over?
Afraid to watch this...[video=youtube;FrNKS45Cp9M][/video]
seen this video on tosh.0