Anti MMJ Politicians

Gypsy changed that finally about 6 months ago. Talking about any breeder is fine. Linking to other sites that sell the breeders or blatantly making threads to advertise companies are still against tou.
The bill passed in '08. He was elected governor in '10. That's how. Bill schutte and Rick Snyder were both big leaders in the vote no campaign in 2008, and they lost the people won. Schutte was an Oakland county prosecutor at the time. When he became attorney general in '10 he was still butt hurt from losing the MMJ vote, so he has made it his priority to rewrite the law.
There is no opponent. This is not a voting year to get any of these assholes out. There are multiple signature drives going on everywhere to get enough people to petition the state to recall Snyder and schutte.

Schutte's opponent that lost in 2010 would have been our best ally. He was and is currently still genesee county prosecutor David leyton. He is the only head honcho in the state to come out and say that he will not prosecute any level of MMJ. Genesee county sheriff is directed not to bother dispensaries at all.
Man Schuette was never an Oakland County anything.
Governor Snyder never took much position on MM prior to the election.
Snyder has met with a few MM lobbyists when he first came into office;
It's easy to hate the Rethuglicans; but let's not forget that The Mole was as anti-MM as Schuette.

I don't think Snyder belongs on this list.
Add L. Brooks to the list.
Add Jessica Cooper to the list.
Add Bouchard to the list.
Fine excuse me, he might as well have been Oakland county prosecutor. Appeals court judge and representative. Whatever.

And taking no position prior to election was by design, what snyder did do was donate $ to the anti MMJ lobby, and Michigan republican party. Must be nice to have millions of dollars from running an American company into the ground and exporting it's jobs to India.
Snyder is for globalization and big pharma. He doesn't give a fuck about what his citizens of his state want. Look at the emergency manager law, takes entire governments out of power and puts in one of his friend's to run a city. It literally negates all public vote. Yeah, not anti-MMJ. He's anti voting, that's even worse.