Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I need to get another stockpile going for when I do grow again. I gave them to my girlfriend for safe keeping whenever we moved and the bitch lost them :/

Have an update over in my thread √ nice to see you guys!
Hey there Psychild nice to hear from you man how are ya!

You know that I'll set you up no problem so no worries there. What's the good word these days? I'll swing by and see bro take care!

....Hoping for some feedback on my quest for a crazy yeilding strain and preferably someone has some so I don't have to go thru a bank. I didn't give those thousands of beans away just cause I'm a nice guy ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey there Psychild nice to hear from you man how are ya!

You know that I'll set you up no problem so no worries there. What's the good word these days? I'll swing by and see bro take care!

....Hoping for some feedback on my quest for a crazy yeilding strain and preferably someone has some so I don't have to go thru a bank. I didn't give those thousands of beans away just cause I'm a nice guy ;)
Man I hear you...I'll try and keep my ears open for some high yielders again....I might have a thread subscription to a high yielder, I'll see if I can find it.

You know what I'm most heartbroken about losing? BSB / C4 x CSB, and my BR set :/. The Calizhar F2's I made have all made it to new homes...spread out between 5-6 people in my state &#8730; I have a friend nearby growing some Vanilla Kush who's giving away clones, it's such a hard thing to say no too ><


Well-Known Member
Wish I could help with that, Highlander.. But the best yeilder I've seen/had personally was some NYCD that BBYY gifted my way..
I totally would send ya something, but most of my seeds are your gear bro..

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Thanks owl and psychild! Cool too robbie,,,,,hey dig this, I have 4 Superbud x Blue Dream beans en route from a generous member here. They will getted cracked as soon as they arrive.

So that's a good start I would say!

Picked up a few supplies today so lots of tranplanting this evening. The mycc that I started using a few weeks ago in conjuction with the Special Sauce and Nitrozime seems to be helping immensely. The veggers are not only taking off but the stalks and stems are twice the size then they normally would be at this time. That should translate into more yeild I'm hoping.

Thirteen NHK are what getting potted up tonight. Four went into the rosepots straight from chamber a few weeks ago and are starting to look bigger and stronger than the others that are still waiting. A run of the NHK are the next to come out, they are at 5 weeks tomorrow and looking great. Prolly flipping a run of resin dripper grape apollos in a week or two. Trying to hold back from pulling the trigger too soon lol.

Just finished some fall touch up painting on the house and getting very high on some dog before doing some gardening. Definitely need coffee with this weed if you plan on doing anything afterwards lol :)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
haha sounds like you're being super productive, any pics of all the new additions?
Hey tokes. Not really but that can be fixed easily enough. Tomorrow though lol. Wasn't a good idea to smoke the dog early in the day christ my ass has been dragging with every little thing I had to do. Didn't even get to the transplanting lol. Thinking I'm going to go melt into the chair and watch a movie :)

Holy shit, not every day someone plants a strain list of 51 strains in front of ya. Thanks a bunch robbie im impressed. And overwelmed haha ; !)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Tip top! I caught a photo of you a few months ago here on riu....think you were mellowing out on a ledge or something. Cool pic!

Things are pretty much the same around here except that I'm in a muchos better mood now that I'm out of a miserable 5 yr relation ship lol. New lease on life lol yes!! Thanks for swinging by mate your welcome around here anytime.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Twas my smoking ledge, 30cm wide 4 stories up, but it got good sun. Outta that place now though, just into second week of a new job as a chef and currently searching for a new house to rent so i can get a grow on, been 6 months now since i had to stop, it's not been too fun. All in good time though! glad to hear you're situation has changed for the better :)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Was listening to some alternative rock and a song caught my attention. It's popular one but I don't know the name or the artist. Some of it was very similiar to part of the soundtrack to Last of the Mohicans....This is the last scene to that movie (one of my favorite movies especially being factually correct and taking place across the lake from me)......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tiKM4fxY1U&feature=related

....not sure how to imbed the video itself, just the link.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, not every day someone plants a strain list of 51 strains in front of ya. Thanks a bunch robbie im impressed. And overwelmed haha ; !)
no worries man , you have gifted me plenty in the past so think of it as a thankyou ... you are one of the few people i actually respect and admire so if theres anything you want off that list just ask !!


Well-Known Member
heres some pics of where im at at minute ...

2 pineapple express in 6ltr airpots under my aircooled 400w , just under a week flipped 12/12

View attachment 2339880View attachment 2339881

Also not sure if you guys have seen this before but heres some shots i just took of my DIY stealth veg box ....


Heres a look inside .... 112w of CFL lighting (2 x 56w bulbs) 2 exodus in pots (UK Elite clone onlys NOT the greenhouse version) , under the plastic cup are 2 unrooted clones of exodus and the 3 other pots are Bubba x master kush from HC :)

Bottom part of my cab is empty at minute but i use it normally to start seeds off .....

169.jpg 2 x 15w tubes


Well-Known Member
Very, Very nice! I really need to get those rose pots. I see those doggie girls back there too. I know you have no problem staying lifted.
I have on in flower that i flowered to sex. put it in veg for abput 10 days and now its back in flower still shooting out "middle fingers" . Lol , it hasnt stretched i'm not sure wtf it'll do. Luckily i got clones.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Haha always try and keep a little dog on hand for when all else fails ;)

And these babies are Grape Apollos and Double Grape Apollos (apollo dom) that came out of the chamber at the same time...
