Living the Florida Life. Kinda.

this nijnja setting up smoke dates n shit. we should all get together though, i noticed theres quite a FEW heads from fl probably a good 10-15 active from what i can see
Wisenfidel actin like he wasent tryin to come thru to haha. I already got people on here i have smoke dates with lol no worries!! But there is more than 10-15 active from florida.
My b dude forgot all about it, everyone from florida is quite far from me atleast. Won't be traveling to N FL for a smoke sesh unless it's for a female lol
Feel you but anything above me is N FL in my eyes haha, still a 4 hour trip. All the florida heads needa get together untill we realize we're much different then we expected lol
Went out for lunch with my main man. He wanted to go to the Cape Coral Moose, not my favorite place but ok. Wouldn't you know it we end up sitting at the counter and the woman who sat next to me said hello. All I could think was... My God where are your teeth?

Must have been 20 minutes when she covers her mouth and apologizes for forgetting her dentures. She was every color of red you can imagine.
welcome to our paradise WW
we have to hit up Gulfport for the Blueberry Patch some time :eyesmoke:
ABSOLUTELY!!! Work will be taking me back upnorth off and on for a month or two. Maybe we can squeeze something in between trips or after I get all of my belongings down here. love, Love, LOVE IT here.
Been down here a week now. Still have boxes everywhere and only half of the stuff is here and it always seems to be the half that isn't here is what I need.

Just met one of my neighbors. Nice guy, he has to know everything that is going on. I was just thinking he was a busy body then I found out that he was Military Police for 30 years. Says he can smell cigarette smoke from outside of the condo units. I'm standing there thinking, 'well, I hope you don't come knocking on my door' and what happens? You guess it, I light one up and knock, knock, knock. Shit! When I lived in the country you could see people coming up the drive. Now I don't smoke in the morning, afternoon or early evening just incase. What a drag, it's like I'm living with my parents again.

Anyway, a good number of the people down here can't drive. I can't tell you how many people I have seen make a left hand turn from the right hand lane. How they miss oncoming traffic is beyond me.

It's hot. Mid-90's in the daytime and mid-80's humidity. I witnessed a man walking his dog in the evening he was wearing long pants, turtle neck, with a jacket and it's 80 degrees!

The sidewalks are rolled up and put away by 7:30/8 pm. Not used to that. Life is definitely slower.
i lived in florida for many years what part of florida did u move to? i use to live at fort walton 10 min away form the beach