Yeah,I'm in lake city about 30 minutes away from gainesville,I have to go their for the mall and clubbing,bcuz in lake city it's boring as shit,and no night life whats so ever,go gators!Mostly in the Gainesville area.
lol...I'm telling you don't ever come to lake city bruh,EVER! lol..I might have to come down their for the classic and blaze up.its crazy how we all live in florida but where i live is so much cooler than most other places in florida except miami and maybe tampa. but i don't even want to imagine how lake city looks like. to be honest, being from ny, i don't like orlando that much either.
its crazy how we all live in florida but where i live is so much cooler than most other places in florida except miami and maybe tampa. but i don't even want to imagine how lake city looks like. to be honest, being from ny, i don't like orlando that much either.
didn't you say you by lake mary though str88. i haven't heard to many people talking about how poppin it be out there but iono, i don't be out there
ybors pretty cool.. but i dont go out clubbing and shit, i rarely drink but when i do youll see me in the dives kickin back on some cheap beers, not paying 8 dollars for a yeungling. if youre about to spend a hundred bucks on chicks at the club.. just hit your strip clubAlot of it is in Ybor but..I wouldn't go there at night, plus not to be racist myself, they're not really made for white people lol. I tried the clubbing once but it's not for me, all the black ladies laughed at my attempt to dance lol. I would definitely move to the country if I could.
Let me ask you something,do you think people from the south are hillbillies,live on farms,in bred,and talk slow?bcuz alot of people from big cities have this view of the south as just a place you don't want to live,so now that you are down here,can you let the people know that the south is a beautiful place to be and we are not all hillbillies and red necks.
your really over doing it with the video,people do dumb shit all over the world daily.yep speak fer ya sef thar boy.
that is awesome.yep speak fer ya sef thar boy.
we should chill sometime.. im right over gandy
yep speak fer ya sef thar boy.
in all seriousness, I dont wanna sound like a hick but that looked fun as shit, no?
in all seriousness, I dont wanna sound like a hick but that looked fun as shit, no?