Fuck my whole crop is ruined


Well-Known Member
:wall: So i been kinda busy for the last couple of days,i know i needed to water my plants,but the lights went off,i got home lights were off so i had to wait.
So when lights finally came on OMFG :wall: I'm pretty sure you guys know what happened.If u guessed dead drooping then u are right,but that
led to a shit load of more problems.All my but 1 plant looks shitty now and even 1 hermed on me,then i fucked around and gave em tap water and forgot to
PH it :wall: ,the light got to my plants also cause i got home a hour after lights,and only 1 fan is on with lights off but 2 when on,1 of my plants look like it got
bud rot? in 3 weeks of flowering? im hoping it's the heat but blah.IM PISSED!!! imma post pics so yall can laugh at my misfortune :-(


Well-Known Member
Let's see those pictures. Maybe you can save them. And the hermi will cause fem seeds so look on the bright side.


Well-Known Member
The first 2 pics are the herm,pic 3 clones from pic 4,pic 5 is the one who looked the worst but looks the best now,pics 6 and 7 clones and pic 8 i the herm again.They kinda all looked fucked to me.


Well-Known Member
I'm bout to upload a shitty video about my shitty plants.If I'm screaming at somebody in the video it's just my brothers pregnant girl friend who I'm bout to put out on her ass,cause she's a
stupid fucking bitch,who my brother should have never got with,i did warn him about bum bitches and he didn't listen.Sorry if I'm ranting but her and my brother live in my grow room for the
time being and this bitch always got something stupid to say like she got somewhere to go.


Well-Known Member
Any way

sometimes shit happens. You can still water them and they will perk right back up and grow some good bud. Don't give up on them too easily and they won't give up on you.

george xxx

Active Member
They do look salvageable but I'm bout to say fuck it and go back to growing outside.Next year if course,or i might just move to CALI since im getting tired of these begging lazy fucks i call family.
The yield may be diminished but they will survive.

Your family is not the only one with begging lazy fucks kiss-ass Cali may not be far enough, lazy fucks tend to try and follow. Dying plants are easier to contend with :weed: