WTF? ~ White House Says It's Unconstitutional To Strike Down The NDAA


Well-Known Member
whenever the "current" administration wants to get around the constitution they just make an amendment. In Obama's case, he just executes an "executive order" I'm glad the judge blocked the NDAA , that shit is ridiculous .

P.s. Did you all know the Clinton Administration drafted the Patriot Act but for some reason didn't enact it.


Active Member
Did you all know the Clinton Administration drafted the Patriot Act but for some reason didn't enact it.
I wasn't aware of that. I know about the continuity of government plan that was drafted, but not this. Do you have a link?


Well-Known Member
Fuhrer Barack will not be pleased.

Will be expecting an "Obamas reaction to..." video on YouTube soon ;)


Well-Known Member
The problem is fairly obvious.

When we were in the shadow of 9/11, and during the hight of the war in Iraq, we were concious that we were actualy IN a war. No one on the right had a problem with indefinite detention, torture and all the rest of the shinanigans Bush was doing. After all, we were in a war godamnit.

After a time, and especially after Obama took office, we lost sight of the war thing and now that we think we are at peace (even though we are not), these same things that seemed reasonable to so many are not abhorant and are an affront even to the right.

Some of us saw these things as henous from the start - we were called anti-Americans back then. This is unlawful detention, it has always been unlawful detention and is no different now than it was when all the righties spoke out for it, rather than against it under Bush.

The biggest change for the right is.... It isn't their guy doing it. Should Romney win, it will be ok again.


Well-Known Member
Obama's pledge "If elected one of the first things I will do is close gitmo" Liberals Cheer!!!!

Reality: Spends millions on upgrading gitmo. Liberal Cheer!!!!

umm do explain canndo?


Well-Known Member
The problem is fairly obvious.

When we were in the shadow of 9/11, and during the hight of the war in Iraq, we were concious that we were actualy IN a war. No one on the right had a problem with indefinite detention, torture and all the rest of the shinanigans Bush was doing. After all, we were in a war godamnit.

After a time, and especially after Obama took office, we lost sight of the war thing and now that we think we are at peace (even though we are not), these same things that seemed reasonable to so many are not abhorant and are an affront even to the right.

Some of us saw these things as henous from the start - we were called anti-Americans back then. This is unlawful detention, it has always been unlawful detention and is no different now than it was when all the righties spoke out for it, rather than against it under Bush.

The biggest change for the right is.... It isn't their guy doing it. Should Romney win, it will be ok again.
well I think you are completely wrong about that, there are a shit load of people on the right who never wanted to go to war in the first place, and do not ever condone such behavior from any political spectrum.

Lefties are always telling us how much they care by attacking and demonizing everyone who doesn't agree with them. Yeah, you guys care a lot, but you guys are a bunch of real pricks about it.


Well-Known Member
Obama's pledge "If elected one of the first things I will do is close gitmo" Liberals Cheer!!!!

Reality: Spends millions on upgrading gitmo. Liberal Cheer!!!!

umm do explain canndo?
They are turning it into a country club. The terrorists wont be detained, they just will be living so nicely they wont want to leave...


Well-Known Member
^^ your boy obama is still torturing people at Git-mo. You TARD.

I see you didn't get the point.

I do not support torture no matter who is president. Others seem to have, those others being on the right. We are still at war but no one seems to be looking - I recall a certain Republican acceptance speech that made no note of it at all.


Well-Known Member
They are turning it into a country club. The terrorists wont be detained, they just will be living so nicely they wont want to leave...
Not sure I want to visit a country club where water boarding is scheduled before and after lunch.


Well-Known Member
Obama's pledge "If elected one of the first things I will do is close gitmo" Liberals Cheer!!!!

Reality: Spends millions on upgrading gitmo. Liberal Cheer!!!!

umm do explain canndo?
I wish I could nonthiest. I am angry that he neither closed the place nor has he explained his failure to do so. It is possible that he became privy to information that changed his mind - but... that can't be right.... cause that would mean that Bush was right about Gitmo.

It is possible that he encountered too much resistance for him to expend his political capital on something so comparatively unimportant.

And it is possible that Obama is just a dick who hates muslims and terrorists... but that can't be right because Obama IS a muslim and he loves terrorists.


Well-Known Member
well I think you are completely wrong about that, there are a shit load of people on the right who never wanted to go to war in the first place, and do not ever condone such behavior from any political spectrum.

Lefties are always telling us how much they care by attacking and demonizing everyone who doesn't agree with them. Yeah, you guys care a lot, but you guys are a bunch of real pricks about it.

I never claimed not to be a prick. I agree that there must have been some on the right who didn't want to go to war and didn't support the Patriot Act and torture and all the rest of the muck we squirmed through during the Bush administration - but I never wound up talking to a single one of you guys during that time.


Well-Known Member
They are turning it into a country club. The terrorists wont be detained, they just will be living so nicely they wont want to leave...

It's funny how Americans claim that freedom is the most valuable thing in existence. It is the driving force behind humanity, it is the most cherished state of being there is and everyone wants it all the time in copious amounts.

Except that it really isn't so valuable when you put someone in a 6 X 8 cell and give him a plasma tv, right?


Well-Known Member
I never claimed not to be a prick. I agree that there must have been some on the right who didn't want to go to war and didn't support the Patriot Act and torture and all the rest of the muck we squirmed through during the Bush administration - but I never wound up talking to a single one of you guys during that time.
The Patriot Act made most republican I know blood boil, it goes again everything rightist believe in.


Well-Known Member
Not sure I want to visit a country club where water boarding is scheduled before and after lunch.
Obama put waterboarding back into acceptable activities too?!??!?!

It would not surprise me actually. He wants to use it on Boehner.


Well-Known Member
it's funny how americans claim that freedom is the most valuable thing in existence. It is the driving force behind humanity, it is the most cherished state of being there is and everyone wants it all the time in copious amounts.

Except that it really isn't so valuable when you put someone in a 6 x 8 cell and give him a plasma tv, right?
it was a joke ....


Well-Known Member
I never claimed not to be a prick. I agree that there must have been some on the right who didn't want to go to war and didn't support the Patriot Act and torture and all the rest of the muck we squirmed through during the Bush administration - but I never wound up talking to a single one of you guys during that time.
Did you ever consider that the effectiveness of partisan blinders makes you completely blind to some things?