How would you run a 24k grow room?

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
What types of things would you do if given a budget of 20k and all the equipment provided.

How would you design your grow?

24,000 watts would be for the flower only. 3000sf to us, another 1000sf for veg.

What do you do?


Well-Known Member
I would go with whatever style i had the most experience with. A 24k grow is not a good time to experiment.

I would probably get bales of sunshine #4. 5 gallon grow bags. 4-6 plants per 1k. Drip system.

Layout would be hard to know without knowing dimensions.
You would need a huge room for that! But I would buy 24 1000w magnetic ballasts, 24 blockbuster hoods, like 8 4x8 trays and id get 2 48000 BTU mini split A/C units, 2 100 gallon reservoirs, a Co2 system, and 2 12" max fans with carbon filters just scrubbing the air. And the room would definately be sealed! And for the veg room i would have 3 4x8 trays with 2 600w MH over each tray. It may be a little close on the $20,000 mark though.


Well-Known Member
Depends on how big your crew is. If you're going solo, then E&F with rockwool. 12 4x8 tables with 2k watts and 18 plants per. 40 gallon rez for each. I'd split the grow into a perpetual of 3 tables every 2 weeks to cut down on total trimming and number of plants needed at a time.

You'd have to start with like ~110 cuts and veg 54 of them for ~2 weeks or until they're 18 inches in your veg room and then take ~60 cuts (+/- for any non roots) off of them before you smashed them into flower. While you're waiting for your cuts to root you can start the veg of the remaining clones from the initial ~110. Rinse and repeat.

On a low end expectation, you should be able to get 2-3 units per table with you 6-9 units every 2 weeks after the first harvest.

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
Depends on how big your crew is. If you're going solo, then E&F with rockwool. 12 4x8 tables with 2k watts and 18 plants per. 40 gallon rez for each. I'd split the grow into a perpetual of 3 tables every 2 weeks to cut down on total trimming and number of plants needed at a time.

You'd have to start with like ~110 cuts and veg 54 of them for ~2 weeks or until they're 18 inches in your veg room and then take ~60 cuts (+/- for any non roots) off of them before you smashed them into flower. While you're waiting for your cuts to root you can start the veg of the remaining clones from the initial ~110. Rinse and repeat.

On a low end expectation, you should be able to get 2-3 units per table with you 6-9 units every 2 weeks after the first harvest.
I like the sounds of this but not a fan of Ebb n Flow and maintaining 8 resevoirs when we can just do Coco beds or Bags and run it all off a drip from 1 resevoir.


Well-Known Member
I like the sounds of this but not a fan of Ebb n Flow and maintaining 8 resevoirs when we can just do Coco beds or Bags and run it all off a drip from 1 resevoir.
I hear ebb n flow is a great large scale style to grow from good sources... but I just don't get it. I would go mad trying to maintain so many res. But, I was never very good with the ebb n flow. I hear from ebb n flow fans that when resevoirs are mixed just right to the plants current needs the res needs barely any attention at all. I've never seen it in person though.


Well-Known Member
Anyway for optimal growth you need about 320 sf and you got 3000 sf you could put like 200k of watts but prison hurts in the butt so imma not give advice on this.
I'll let you be your own demise.


Well-Known Member
What types of things would you do if given a budget of 20k and all the equipment provided. What do you do?
I'd wish I had another $20-30k so I wouldn't have to cut every corner possible. Sorry, not trying to be an ass, just being realistic. $20k will go in a flash when you're talking that kind of light. I would, instead, cut my lighting in half and go for a pretty decent setup (not to mention, the power bill on 24k lighting and cooling will blow your mind...what state are you in?)

p.s. - I'm well over $30k on and 8,000 watt setup. Granted, I had to upgrade electrical and remodel a room, but still....

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Not sure if you've already figured this, but electricity in a warehouse or commercially zoned building in cheaper than residential. A lot cheaper.

Keep your plant count under 99, and pick a low-maintenance system. Ebb& flow should be a breeze. Run a waterline and drainpipe along the room and use ball valves to facilitate rez changes. Rez changes are the most work as far as ongoing maintenance, and this will make it a lot easier to maintain the 12 or so res's you'll be running.

Hope you've got some experience because you do not want to have to do any learning when this kind of money is at stake. If you're on personal/private property and in it for the long haul, the solar idea is going to be a solid investment.


Well-Known Member
i assume we are talking 20k of wattage not dollars to spend on setup?

if thats the case i would be looking at 20 1mx1m scrogs each with its own 1000w. each one would be a single plant dwc. each bucket would be linked and circulating back to a main res.
KISS with a 1 part nutrient like flora nova or the maxi series. a bennie tea on the brew to keep root health in check.

i only say this because thats what i know. i understand 20 scrogs would be a lot of work but i like that. its hands on and you wouldn't miss the slightest blemish on your plants cause you would be spending time with them tucking and weaving everyday. plus I'm assuming this kind of grow isn't really considered a hobby grow, its a full time job anyway.

i reckon you could get 30 lb per 3 mth cycle. one big old bud factory. bags not trimming lol

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
I'd wish I had another $20-30k so I wouldn't have to cut every corner possible. Sorry, not trying to be an ass, just being realistic. $20k will go in a flash when you're talking that kind of light. I would, instead, cut my lighting in half and go for a pretty decent setup (not to mention, the power bill on 24k lighting and cooling will blow your mind...what state are you in?)

p.s. - I'm well over $30k on and 8,000 watt setup. Granted, I had to upgrade electrical and remodel a room, but still....
You are definitely overpaying. We have 3 8k grows now and not a single one cost us more than $6k


Well-Known Member
You are definitely overpaying. We have 3 8k grows now and not a single one cost us more than $6k
Apples to oranges I'm sure. I have a main Veg room of 200 sf and the flower room is 400 sf. Each room has a dedicated mini split AC/Heater (each mini split was about $2k). Flower room RDWC hydroponic, and is air cooled with Raptors. Room has digital controller, digital ballasts, CO2 burner, Powerbox, RO system, 2 dehumidifiers, etc. I never said you can't go cheap and have an ok setup. I'm just saying, for $20k, you could have a lot nicer, yet smaller setup, as opposed to an "meh" large setup.

I also stated that my costs included remodeling and electrical upgrades, which were high themselves.