this burnt or lack of water?


Well-Known Member
i took a picture but it's so fucken blurry it aint even worht it.(plant is a nebw like 4 days) there's 4 leafes formed. one is much smaller than other and looks fucked up. two have yellow tips. And this plant fell over a few tiems due to my fan. lol so it's a survivor. But i didn't even have the light close to it! i know the rule of at least like 1 inch. it was like a good inch and a half away. the leafs ALSO all are standing up. like not bent, but going up towars the sky. THX guys



New Member
what are you growing it in? I don't think it likes it.
Try tranplanting and putting it in miracle grow moisture control.


Active Member
don't use miracle grow horrible stuff, I used some once and got a fungus gnat infestation, get some fox farm ocean forest soil.


New Member
Don't listen to this guy. I have used MG successfully for 16 years now.
He obviously had other probs besidesw the potting mix.

I would definitely change the soil tho. :mrgreen::blsmoke:
don't use miracle grow horrible stuff, I used some once and got a fungus gnat infestation, get some fox farm ocean forest soil.


Well-Known Member
new soil huh? well i got two babies growing and one looks damn nice i must say for a newb. and the #2 is the problem child. SO new soil ok. i'm using hyponex i had layign around. I'm told scott's is best? r u 100% sure on MG? everybody on here usually syas it blows and bad for weed. What nutes u use? since u seem legit i wanna get the best nutes for my babies from the best advice i can find.
Don't listen to this guy. I have used MG successfully for 16 years now.
He obviously had other probs besidesw the potting mix.

I would definitely change the soil tho. :mrgreen::blsmoke: