37 degrees!? Light frost on grass bad?


I live is Sudbury, Ontario Canada and i have some girls growing good too. It dropped down to 1C last night, but my girls and doing fine. You will know your plants are toast once the sun warms them up and they wilt to nothing, and then will turn black. At that point, that's it, party is over. I will have to take some pics of my girls. They are over 5 feet tall, and all around in the 5th week of budding. The past couple of days have been chilly, and I can now see a nice dusting trichomes. This is my first grow here outdoors and im very pleased with the results. All from seed!
What strain are you growing? Did you top your girls? I hear northern lights are a great strain to grow in this area. I had no clue what to order when I was shopping for seeds. Pretty much looked for the sexiest looking plants, and something with a higher thc content. I love smoking indica, but was unsure about the strains at the time. I had one other plant that had already matured, but I might have chopped it down a tad early, at that time I was unsure about the trichs and looking for the "milky/amberish" colors. The smoke is okay, but nothing to brag about. Hoping that these will be fully mature when I take them down.


yea its amazing what they can live through. i have had a big problem with deer eating mine in the past
So the deer do eat these plants! yikes... Wonder why they not eating mine(yet) the buggers bed down all around where my girls are. I see they walk by the plants now and then, but they never bothered them. Can't say the same for the wife's flowers, they seem to love eating them. So i assumed there was something about the plant they didn't like. Hopefully they don't develop a taste for bud

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Mine look exaxtly like yours from frost. Whats the week forecast look like? If its gonna warm up a bit and not frost hard, let em ride. They will be stunted for a bit but should still grow.


Looks like it may cool down for a couple days then warm back up, but with all the earth changes happening who really knows. I will keep them in the ground & see what happens. The leafs and the rest of the plant looks relatively healthy so hopefully they can hold on another couple/few weeks. Thanks for the feedback! Hope you fair well with yours!


Well-Known Member
yikes... don't think she liked that frost
the extreme cold weather made her mature faster without time to finish budding.. thats why it looks dried out. its actually. Finished! if you know a frost is coming.. try covering your plants with some type of clear tarp. it will keep the frost from touching the plant.


Thanks, I went out and chopped that 1/2 of the plant, trimmed it up a bit & hung it in my shed ... does this mean the other 1/2 is "finished" also? or will it still grow some more? By finished you mean "dead" right? Wondering if I will get anything off this little kush (bzzz'ed) I think the temps are supposed to drop to 5 degrees tonight, so I will be heading across shortly to wrap them up somehow, someway. I should have some drop sheet kicking around...if not I will just use newspapers like some dude mentioned earlier. Think I learned 100 things NOT to do while growing during this learning process... Hoping next season will be much more plenty full ... Thanks for the reply p.sSAM_0921.jpg...it looks healthier now lol