My Neighbor Ripped My Plant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
fuck it just pay a hit man to kidnape and bury the dude alive and right before he is burryed alive throw a bud in the hole with him then say.... "i hope it was worth it" *walk away real gangsta like

stoned cockatoo

New Member
Whats with the ripper defending?

Months of time and effort gone some people take it serious and it's like stealing time away from someones life


Active Member
How do you know it was your neighbor? Break in the house when noone's home. Scout for it, if not steal what you see. Your not going to get it back unless you do that. It's probably hanging in his closet right now. Never imagined a 45 year old would be stealing it from an 18 year old. Seems like it should be the other way around lol.


Well-Known Member
How do you know it was your neighbor? Break in the house when noone's home. Scout for it, if not steal what you see. Your not going to get it back unless you do that. It's probably hanging in his closet right now. Never imagined a 45 year old would be stealing it from an 18 year old. Seems like it should be the other way around lol.
or u could not burn his house down and go that route. wait wait after u get the weed back or jack his shit then burn it down :)


Well-Known Member
says the bloke that wants to poison the weed thief, :clap:
I see the parallel you're attempting to draw but when you look at the actions between the two they are entirely different.

I have a weed plant. I have bugs on my plants so I spray the plants knowing that I either need to water cure them, or use them for edibles which would diminish the strength of the chems depending on how I prepare it. If you steal it not knowing the plant was intended for edibles and smoke it, it's your problem.


Sitting in my house, getting a glass bottle, filling it with an accelerant, staking out the dude's home, and hoping that no one else is inside when you firebomb it. And also hope it doesn't spread to any of the neighboring houses.

Quite a bit of difference to me.


Well-Known Member
fuck it just pay a hit man to kidnape and bury the dude alive and right before he is burryed alive throw a bud in the hole with him then say.... "i hope it was worth it" *walk away real gangsta like
Are you watching a marathon of the wire or some bull shit? How many xanax bars would you have to take to muster up the courage to do anything that you've said today?


Well-Known Member
This message is hidden because TheChosen is on your ignore list. lol no telling what he is saying but i garuntee it is towards me. i bet he is either makeing fun of spelling or trying to make him self feel better for being a 28 y/o virgen with a 2 inch dick :)


Well-Known Member
Run an ad in the newspaper(with his address) saying he is having a garage sAle at 7Am on Saturday and first thirty people to show up will receive 10$ for coming to have a look and will be free coffee and pie.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
Are you watching a marathon of the wire or some bull shit? How many xanax bars would you have to take to muster up the courage to do anything that you've said today?
This message is hidden because TheChosen is on your ignore list. lol no telling what he is saying but i garuntee it is towards me. i bet he is either makeing fun of spelling or trying to make him self feel better for being a 28 y/o virgen with a 2 inch dick :)
there you go


Well-Known Member
This message is hidden because TheChosen is on your ignore list. lol no telling what he is saying but i garuntee it is towards me. i bet he is either makeing fun of spelling or trying to make him self feel better for being a 28 y/o virgen with a 2 inch dick :)
hahahaha you said my dick is two inches, what a knee slapper. Haven't said anything about your spelling, 1t sp34cs 4 it5elv. Please go crawl under your mother's bed and take your stuffed bunny rabbit with you, child.


Well-Known Member
no hes fucking with me because i have anxiety problems but i have social anxiety as long as no one comes out of the burning house wanting to chit chat then ill be fine :)