Colorado Medical Greenhouse

invading your space with a smell, and a great one at that? get off your high horse and get real! with that stupid logic growing roses should also be illegal because the smell may carry!


Well-Known Member
I simply cannot believe that fellow smokers are on here bashing you, and blaming you, and acting like total complete ASSHOLES......sheesh some people are just full of hate and discontent,,shame shame...what's the world coming to....ASSHOLES!!
they're mad because they cant grow a garden like that, with that many plants. And also once one person get to bashing, everyone else likes to hop on the band wagon pretty quick.


Well-Known Member
lol. i've ran everything from a cabinet size to a commercial warehouse with 1000+ plants and 30+ strains - i kept my shit in order and never had a problem with inspectors. the only thing I'm mad at, is when people think that just because they can grow and smoke some plants legally, that they have the right to intrude on others. do you smoke cigarettes and blow it in the face of those that don't? ever lived or worked next to a facility/grow that exudes smells day and night? I'd guess not. try a coffee roaster, or a crematorium ... or since you like natural sources, how about living next to a dairy ..... great smells to live with. cannabis is no different - u want to live next door and have your kids' room reaking like skunk all day? seriously, you peope need to pull your heads out of your ass and have some 'common courtesy' ... guess it isn't so common any more, just like 'common sense', a serious lack of that these days. then someone points it out, hoping others won't make the same mistakes and suddenly they are the asshole.

hear the ringing in the back of your head? it's the clue phone, answer it


Well-Known Member
lol. i've ran everything from a cabinet size to a commercial warehouse with 1000+ plants and 30+ strains - i kept my shit in order and never had a problem with inspectors. the only thing I'm mad at, is when people think that just because they can grow and smoke some plants legally, that they have the right to intrude on others. do you smoke cigarettes and blow it in the face of those that don't? ever lived or worked next to a facility/grow that exudes smells day and night? I'd guess not. try a coffee roaster, or a crematorium ... or since you like natural sources, how about living next to a dairy ..... great smells to live with. cannabis is no different - u want to live next door and have your kids' room reaking like skunk all day? seriously, you peope need to pull your heads out of your ass and have some 'common courtesy' ... guess it isn't so common any more, just like 'common sense', a serious lack of that these days. then someone points it out, hoping others won't make the same mistakes and suddenly they are the asshole.

hear the ringing in the back of your head? it's the clue phone, answer it
Way to kick a guy when he's down ........
you would think on a pro cannibis site there wouldn't be any ridiculous criticism of other people who have had any sort of misfortune involving cannibis, but apparently that isn't true. some people just wanna look down on anyone with bad luck to make themselves feel smarter or take the moral highground for whatever reason. if this stupid social stigma was removed, i highly doubt that anybody would have any issues with the smell anyways.


Well-Known Member
man when i saw the pics my heart fell to the pit of my stomach , they took you to the cleaners man that is shitty! and were coming back again Greedy ass motherfuckers


Active Member
so you said you saw the bitches come back again and you chased them off? fuck id call the cops and get there platenumbers then have the cops search them for evidence. even though you are not legal to have 100 plants, the cops are still on your side. they would rather take down criminal thieves than pot growers who grow in there own property.


Well-Known Member
I am legal , we had considerably less than allowed. Couldn't be helped last night , neighbor came out .

this legal bullshit again, cops came just yesterday because neighbor called , no big deal , we didn't get in trouble . People make to many assumptions based on no or very little info.


Well-Known Member
I am legal , we had considerably less than allowed. Couldn't be helped last night , neighbor came out .

this legal bullshit again, cops came just yesterday because neighbor called , no big deal , we didn't get in trouble . People make to many assumptions based on no or very little info.

Id call the cops with a plate # and tell them they are brandishing a fire arm..least theyll be chased and ripped outta the car


Well-Known Member
i woulda let em over the fence right into my .357, pistolwhipped his bitchass dragged him inside then decide wether to bury him in the yard or the woods

edit... woulda dragged him into the rear doorway and shot him point blank... "i was in fear for my life" would have been my statement to the police i had an intruder in my home and shot him..


Well-Known Member
lol. i've ran everything from a cabinet size to a commercial warehouse with 1000+ plants and 30+ strains - i kept my shit in order and never had a problem with inspectors. the only thing I'm mad at, is when people think that just because they can grow and smoke some plants legally, that they have the right to intrude on others. do you smoke cigarettes and blow it in the face of those that don't? ever lived or worked next to a facility/grow that exudes smells day and night? I'd guess not. try a coffee roaster, or a crematorium ... or since you like natural sources, how about living next to a dairy ..... great smells to live with. cannabis is no different - u want to live next door and have your kids' room reaking like skunk all day? seriously, you peope need to pull your heads out of your ass and have some 'common courtesy' ... guess it isn't so common any more, just like 'common sense', a serious lack of that these days. then someone points it out, hoping others won't make the same mistakes and suddenly they are the asshole.

hear the ringing in the back of your head? it's the clue phone, answer it
You sir are complete and total ASSHOLE nuff said judgemental piece of shit you are...shut the fuck up!!


Active Member
From the photos, that appears to be a densely populated neighborhood. It looks like you turned your entire backyard into a pot farm. My state is more liberal than many when it comes to what a person can do with their property, but the "right to farm" laws only apply to agriculturally zoned properties. It is not difficult to see why your neighbors are getting pissed off.

As for the rippers, with that many people living in the immediate vicinity, I think it safe to say that everybody within a 5 mile radius knows about your suburban farm. If you scattered piles of $100 dollar bills all over your backyard, people would be jumping the fence every night to grab them. You think all these scumbag thieves are going to respect your neighbors property while they are helping themselves to the weed buffet? I find that unlikely.


Well-Known Member
My neighbors are pissed at the rippers , not me, this morning the old lady behind me was asking how many they took. My area is pretty mmj friendly.


Well-Known Member
They came back again , 2 this time , neighbor ran them off and called cops , nothing I could do , cops said they are putting on more patrols