I considered not putting this one in. I undestand what you are saying, that we cannot accuse FOX of lying in situations where there may be diffrences of opinion about facts.
I put it in anyway, not for the global warming fact but for the "less trust in scientists" part.
As I said, opinions are based upon facts, it is these facts that FOX lies about.
Let me get this straight, you say FOX cannot be accused of lying where there may be differences of opinion about the facts but the opinions you agree with, are facts, therefore FOX lies!
Please explain with no weaselology.
I said no such thing - I fear that perhaps you scan my words and assume I say things I do not.
In an opinion, facts are mentioned, opinions are opinions of factual items. If an opinion includes such things as "everyone knows that Canndo is a liar", it is presumed that the "everyone knows" is not opinion but shared, agreed upon consensus - or... fact. That is why I posted items from opinion shows.
If an opinion show contained a discussion about a terrorist attack on the Empire State building on 9/10 and offered opinion on this event, it would not be the opinion but the event's time and place that is a lie.