<Day 61>
Looks like the image posting bug is still with us, cant full size em.
Harvest is fast approaching and I'm beginning to think I'll be pulling the CJs a few days before day 70. Critical+ is looking almost ripe and barely has any green leaves left. I've given her a good flush and she looks to be set for harvest in 4days. Critical+ is still swelling but is going to finnish as the poorest yeilder for sure. If you look at the pics I have posted you will see one that is taken under the HPS light. You can see a CJ bud next to a C+ bud. I'd hazard to say that the buds on the CJs are reaching twice the size.
2 of the CJs look as ripe as the C+ and I'm starting the flush today. Red hair numbers are well over 50% now and the sugar leaves are beginning to poke out to make the buds look more 'spikey'. I always take this as a sign of being close to maturity. The biggest and highest yeilding CJ is still suprisingly green and I feel I will be able to let it go a few days longer.
Last point I want to make, I've removed any popcorn that wasnt going anywhere and speed dried it. It weighed in at 3.5g dry, so it wasnt very much. I had a stressful week and had no smoke so I feel it was justified. Speed dried weed never tastes very good but I still enjoyed it, and I was defo very high afterwards! Pity abaout the chlorophil taste though.
Order of plant appearance - CJ3,CJ3 bud shot, C+, C+ cola shot, CJ1, CJ1 cola shot, C+bud vs. CJ bud, CJ2 and lastly CJ2 cola shot.