First time grower! Someone check my grow so far plz!


Well-Known Member
Hey there, first time grower. Just wanna have a pro check over to make sure im doing it right! I have no pictures and im apoligize i just dont have access to a camera at the moment

My grow space is about 2.5ft x 2ft x 4ft tall. Im using miracle grow moisture control for my growing medium as well as 3x 100w equivlent cfl's (5000k daylight) in clamp ons from hardware store.
I plan on adding 1-2 more lights for flowering phase

Temperature is avg of 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit on avg

I put tin foil all around the sides for reflectors.

Being that its my first time im using bag seeds to get started. I plan on getting Nirvana Aurora Indica seeds if all goes well

i just planted my germinated seeds yesterday night and currently waiting for the sprouts.

Anything i can do to enhance my growing experience?


Well-Known Member
do you plan to keep em in small pots to start with ?

hope so .. when you repot .. make sure to get some good soil (maybe organic) with the right PH (6-7) and some perlit in it (leganuts or coco can also be used) atlest get some 3 gallon pots .. with good drain holes .. or get some grow bags if possible ..

if you add 2 more CLF for flowering (I would as flowering plants need lots of light) get em in 2700K

keep the light 4 inch`s from the top of the plants .. only real down side of CLF is penetrations .. I would look in to LTS and keep em low and bushy .. wide with all the bud sits close to the hood you of course made for them CLFs so you don't loose half the light ..

about bag seeds .. well can be pretty good .. or not .. I don't really see the point new growers often use (no offend to you at all)
as its a trail and fist grow .. fine enough .. but strain can really make the different .. its 90% of it .. if you get some poor bag seeds you might get a bad fist experience .. with a good strain your have a good changes to grow some good smoke .. even with CLFs ..

if you both have poor seeds .. poor light .. no experience and a soil that is`t made for weed you might not get the result you want ..

but not to worry .. your light is not that bad .. and with a little luck your seeds is ok ..

and with some more 2700K for flowering you can easily grow nice buds ..
just make sure to get evrything els spot on .. soil .. nutriens .. ventilation aso.

and please get a camera .. pictures tent to make Ppl. more helpful ..


Well-Known Member
thanks yes i know i need a camera!! Thx for input!

i have 2 goin atm in 1gal pots. All i had lying around the house. I only plan on keeping the best one of the two (praying for female)

the bag seeds im using is just a trial to see if i can keep a plant alive and so on.

Ive heard aurora indica is a great starter plant so i have my eyes posted on that but i have a few other strains in mind.

When i buy my seeds i planed on using coco coir like you said.

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
You should run hydro it is super easy but a bit expensive at first but the pay off is well worth it. I hope your bag seed does well and is bomb, I have aurora indica as well but have yet to run them seeing as I have a lot of beans. right now im running blackjack. I wouldn't use miracle grow but then again I know people that have had good results with it. You need to get you a sealed light hood, digital conversion ballast, 400w MH light, 400w HPS light, the MH is for veg and the other is for flower. I usually flower for about 4-6 weeks. The lumens meaning the more powerful the light the better the yield. I tried LED for veg on my current run but it was painfully slow for the plant to grow in veg so I switched back to HID lights aka high intensity diode. buy beans from attitude seeds they are well priced and you always get freebies plus use the discrete shipping and you will get a free t shirt and it is guaranteed if you do it that way. top breeders imo are gage green genetics, bodhi seeds, resin seeds, madd farmer genetics, kannabia seeds, jaws seeds, and hazeman seeds, TGA Subcool, seedism and sweet seeds.

for nutes I use flora bloom and flora micro, the lucas method, look it up on the web and it will tell you all about the lucas method and you can use it for soil it is simple especially for beginners and aurora indica is a great strain for a beginner and so is BCN Diesel that was my first grow and that sucker would not die even you tried to kill it! I got 2.5oz off of it using hydro in a 6 foot tall, 3.5 feet deep and 4 feet wide cab and my pots are small. i will throw some pics up to show you what Im talking about. I also use calmag because I use RO water, budcandy and liquid and dry koolbloom for flower, H202 aka hydrogen peroxide 10% to keep everything clean and sterile plus it adds oxygen to your water, I also use subculture b for the roots and sometimes hygrozyme for roots. Sometimes I use superthrive only as a foliar feed meaning I spray my plant with it and it will help with growth and healthy roots and green cure for any kind of mold.

I wish you the best of luck the first is always nerve racking because your not sure of what to do but by your second you will have most of it figured out.

Pics: BCN Diesel by kannabia seeds: diesel bcn.jpgbcn.jpg my first grow.

my current grow blackjack by sativa seed bank: IMG_2300-1.jpgIMG_2299-1.jpgIMG_2298-1.jpg these pics are from yesterday 6th day of flower today is 1 week.

My cab: IMG_2109-1.jpg

wish I had a bigger pic of the cab. I only have one plant running in it now because I wanted to do an experiment with an LED light.

Almost forgot my bean list: Screen shot 2012-09-19 at 4.14.06 PM.png

I have only been growing for 1 year and am on my fourth run and its so easy now and you will get to that point as well oh and I wouldn't use foil for a light reflector I would use what I have or the one that looks like the silver balloons you buy both come in rolls and you can buy them at walmart, lowes, home depot etc.

I don't know if you have a ppm meter or a ph meter or a light timer but you for sure will want the meters. I'm not sure about soil but hydro you want the ph around 5.5 - 6.5. seedlings you want the ppms around 200 - 400 and in flower about 1100.

my first harvest of the BCN Diesel: jar3-1.jpgharvest-1.jpgsize-1.jpg mytake.jpg

I don't mean to seem like I'm bragging I'm just trying to show how good you can do your first time!

My top beans: topnotch-1.jpg hazzeman-1.jpg

I just took these pics 9/19/2012: 9:19:2012-1.jpg09:19:12-1.jpgcab-1.jpg


Well-Known Member
thanks i love ur set up.

lil out of my price range hope to be there someday ;P

will update when i have camera

Friendly Caregiver

Well-Known Member
I would make sure all of those nutrient bottles are light proof if I were you. Last thing you want is your plant to die because some nutrients degraded and the pH of your nutrient sank below 4.0.


Active Member
as a new grower should i stay away from nuitrients for my first grow?
No way man, just don't go crazy. Start at 1/4 strength for the first 3 or 4 feeds and slowly work your way up.. Every 4th or 5th watering don't use nutes just plain water to flush the medium a bit.


Well-Known Member
Almost forgot my bean list: View attachment 2341079
Hey MDJenks! Can you tell me your experience with Plushberry, both in terms of grow and smoke? Also the Barney's Acapulco Gold? I have some Plushberry coming, as I was looking for something calming and good for stress. The Acapulco Gold might be in a future purchase, as that's what I grew up on and I wanted to see how it compared.



Well-Known Member
Hey MDJenks! Can you tell me your experience with Plushberry, both in terms of grow and smoke? Also the Barney's Acapulco Gold? I have some Plushberry coming, as I was looking for something calming and good for stress. The Acapulco Gold might be in a future purchase, as that's what I grew up on and I wanted to see how it compared.

Sorry man I haven't grown any yet but my next grow is going to acapulco gold for sure. ill give you grow and smoke report, probably start it right after thanksgiving/


Well-Known Member
thanks will do lots of research on that today.

do i have enough light for the veg stage? 3x 23w cfl (5000k) and 1x 14w cfl (2700k) its just a seedling now but should i or when should i add more? and also what should i add.

thx in advance


Well-Known Member
prob add at least 1-2 23w and then change all 5 to 2700k. i plan on veggin for 3-4 weeks, im afraid if i let it go anymore that i wont have enough lights.


Well-Known Member
I would make sure all of those nutrient bottles are light proof if I were you. Last thing you want is your plant to die because some nutrients degraded and the pH of your nutrient sank below 4.0.
thanks for the concern but I've been doing it this way for a year and have had no problems what so ever.


Well-Known Member
couple questions :D

1) i have my seedlings in lil cardboard cups (the roots are suppose to grow threw to avoid transplanting) they dry out so quick because there so small (about 3in tall and 2in wide). im afraid to dig my finger in cuz of the small space how can i tell when to water?

2) i have a fan pointing away from my plants on low. Is that to stong or to light of a wind? Usually there is no new air coming in unless i open the door to check on them, is this also a problem?