lst hows it looking


Well-Known Member
started lsting over a week ago how do you think its looking also transplanted 3 days ago to a 3 gal pot came out of a one gal when should i start feeding using happy frog so will that feed it for a lil bit longer



Well-Known Member
put in another 55 watter so now im up to 382 actual watts of cfl there just about 5 weeks since sprout


Well-Known Member
Looks good,Tie the branches away from stalk when they are long enough to increase light penetration and yield.


Well-Known Member
You could probably start feeding them light nutes now (maybe start with 1/4 strength), they don't look like they really need anything, but they're big enough to start feeding I would say.

They look good.


Well-Known Member
shit I would have been using nutes from the get go when they where seedlings. you can us e half strength now 1/4 strength is to low you have a low yield if you don't give them enough nutes. by the way what strain is that.

this is my 4th grow in 1 year, only one plant tried doing an LED experiment and it wasn't enough light even in veg so switched back to HID's, right now I'm running a 400w HPS for flower but i can knock it up another 30w with my conversion ballast that runs MH and HPS.

pics: View attachment 2347897View attachment 2347898View attachment 2347900View attachment 2347901

ppms: 1500, ph: 5.8, temp 73degrees f. I use liquid koolbloom, calmag, H2o2, and subculture b for the roots. h2o2 is a must for hydro.

for nutes I recommend the "lucas method" just look it up online its easy as hell and great for beginners and can be used in soil and hydro.

My first grow: BCN Diesel by kannabia seeds:

diesel bcn.jpgbcn-1.jpgbd.jpg

Good luck man I wish you the best hope you get some bomb out of that grow. IMO hydro is easier, bigger yields, faster grows, but the initial cost is high but pays off in the long run. by the way I got 2.5oz dried off that BCN Diesel, one plant.


Well-Known Member
1/4 strength is to low you have a low yield if you don't give them enough nutes.
That is so wrong you have no idea. The plant will only take in what it takes in. You generally don't give seedlings nutes, they don't need it. They have plenty enough nutrients in the Cotyledons to last for a week to two weeks. Seedlings are very sensative and a litle bit of overnuting will destroy the tap root and it won't recover. THAT will affect your yield. slightly undernuting wont. I've got over 5oz from one plant dried. That was with over nuting and all sorts of other problems. I could easily pull 8-10oz from a plant. 2.5oz is nothing to brag about. You can run a plant up to 2000ppm doesn't mean it's going to take in that much, it will only take in what it wants to. You'll notice that especially in hydro when you check the ppm and it has went up from the previous day. It's taking in more water than nutrients and you run a higher risk of overnuting. You want to see the number stay the same or go down. Going up = bad and you'll eventually get nute burn. That again, will affect your yield in a negative way more so than under nuting. Less IS more.

But what do I know...

Also, don't keep your nutes in your cab or tent. You generally want to store them in a cool, dark place. I believe it even says so on the back of most bottles.


Well-Known Member
i dont have any great nutes just mg all purpose mg bloom booster and some fish amulsion what should i use and should i feed 2nite when i water


Well-Known Member
If you can afford it try to grab a bottle of tiger bloom. That's some good flowering nutrients for soil.


Active Member
Looking good for a 1st time lster. what I do when I transplant is i put the stem over to the side of the pot to give me more room to bend them over but still keeping them in the pot footprint.