I done fucked up again. And. What the fuck was that???????

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Last night. ::sigh::

This story involves drunk raccoons, heartbreaking tragedy, unexpected twists and turns, total humiliation.

I literally got caught with my pants down. I'm getting older. I need help with a few things. Like eyesight. I became alarmed a few months back about my deteriorating eyesight. I set up an appt. with my eye doctor. I explained my concerns and asked if I could have Glaucoma. He just laughed and said, "At your age, this is normal." So he suggested reading glasses and a follow-up appt. in six months. I told him that at my age I probably wouldn't last six months. Then I collected what was left of my dignity and hobbled my way out of his office. Asshole.

So, yesterday I went to Whole Foods and purchased the makings for pico de gallo and guacamole. I lost my eyeglasses so I took an old pair that belonged to my mother. They were purple with very girly designs. I forgot about this. Thank god I was wearing a purple shirt. So, I'm in Whole Foods reading my list and trying to find everything and kept noticing people staring at me. I checked my shirt and zipper to make sure nothing was exposed or dangling. I couldn't figure it out. The cashier had a strange smile on her face when I checked out. I get back in the car and start to back out and caught my reflection in the mirror. I have some very GAY glasses on my face. I completely forgot that I was wearing those very girly reading glasses.

I quickly throw them into the passenger seat and turn beet red. I vowed never to go back there again. On pain of death. I sealed my pact in blood. A team of wild horses won't get me back in that store. I get home with the groceries and start preparing the meal. I finally get settled down and start to relax. After dinner and dishes I retire to my boudoir to watch a little television and read some articles. Temps are back up again so I'm lounging in my boxer briefs. I open up my laptop to read and realized I didn't have any reading glasses. It's about 2am. Then it hit me. I left them in the passenger seat. I grab my keys and head out the door. Without even thinking about it I lock the door behind me. It's about 60 degrees outside so I don't bother to put any clothes on. I'm going outside in nothing but my boxer briefs. I walk to the car and unlock it. As I'm reaching for the glasses there's a loud bang behind me. It's by my dad's bedroom window. My first thought is.. BIGFOOT!!!! I froze. I didn't know what to do. I'm in my underwear.

Then I heard it.

The chittering sound of a raccoon. There were two fucking raccoons in our garbage. I immediately start running and yelling; attempting to scare them off. The last thing I wanted to do was clean up garbage strewn from Hell to breakfast. After much arm waving and screaming the damn raccoons took off. One of them even ran into a tree. I'm pretty sure they were drunk.

Satisfied, I walked back to my car. I pull up the handle. Locked. I remember flipping the lock switch when I first got in the car to collect the glasses. I had tossed the keys in the passenger seat while I was collecting the glasses. Then I heard the bang and I shut the door. With the keys still in the passenger seat. I'm stunned. My level of dumbassery has attained new heights. I stand there for a while just taking it all in. Then I remembered my bedroom window was unlocked. It's about 6 feet off the ground so I grab the ladder and start to climb into the window.

In the meantime.

My dad heard the commotion with the raccoons. He saw my shadow go by his window. He heard me yelling. He thought a madman was loose on the property. He. Called. The Sheriff.

I start to climb in the window (with my ass filling the window) when the whole front yard lights up. I hear an authoritative voice tell me to freeze. Freeze? Can you believe that shit? Freeze. I look around my butt to see two sheriffs walking towards me with their guns drawn. I'm told to get down on the ground. I climb down and spread eagle on the ground. Dad walks out the door and the identifies me to the sheriff. I explained the situation. I can't even begin to tell you the level of humiliation I was feeling. I would have literally climbed under a rock if it were possible.

The sheriffs were thoroughly amused. Especially considering the fact that I was wearing these:

A gift from my niece for Christmas. I was wearing them because it was laundry day and I didn't have anything else to wear. They were very professional and only snickered a couple of times. So we get everything settled and the sheriffs help me get my keys out. They leave and I walk back into the house with my tail between my legs.

The last thing my dad said before I went to bed? "Dumbass."

I hate these fucking reading glasses.


Well-Known Member
Last night. ::sigh::

This story involves drunk raccoons, heartbreaking tragedy, unexpected twists and turns, total humiliation.

I literally got caught with my pants down. I'm getting older. I need help with a few things. Like eyesight. I became alarmed a few months back about my deteriorating eyesight. I set up an appt. with my eye doctor. I explained my concerns and asked if I could have Glaucoma. He just laughed and said, "At your age, this is normal." So he suggested reading glasses and a follow-up appt. in six months. I told him that at my age I probably wouldn't last six months. Then I collected what was left of my dignity and hobbled my way out of his office. Asshole.

So, yesterday I went to Whole Foods and purchased the makings for pico de gallo and guacamole. I lost my eyeglasses so I took an old pair that belonged to my mother. They were purple with very girly designs. I forgot about this. Thank god I was wearing a purple shirt. So, I'm in Whole Foods reading my list and trying to find everything and kept noticing people staring at me. I checked my shirt and zipper to make sure nothing was exposed or dangling. I couldn't figure it out. The cashier had a strange smile on her face when I checked out. I get back in the car and start to back out and caught my reflection in the mirror. I have some very GAY glasses on my face. I completely forgot that I was wearing those very girly reading glasses.

I quickly throw them into the passenger seat and turn beet red. I vowed never to go back there again. On pain of death. I sealed my pact in blood. A team of wild horses won't get me back in that store. I get home with the groceries and start preparing the meal. I finally get settled down and start to relax. After dinner and dishes I retire to my boudoir to watch a little television and read some articles. Temps are back up again so I'm lounging in my boxer briefs. I open up my laptop to read and realized I didn't have any reading glasses. It's about 2am. Then it hit me. I left them in the passenger seat. I grab my keys and head out the door. Without even thinking about it I lock the door behind me. It's about 60 degrees outside so I don't bother to put any clothes on. I'm going outside in nothing but my boxer briefs. I walk to the car and unlock it. As I'm reaching for the glasses there's a loud bang behind me. It's by my dad's bedroom window. My first thought is.. BIGFOOT!!!! I froze. I didn't know what to do. I'm in my underwear.

Then I heard it.

The chittering sound of a raccoon. There were two fucking raccoons in our garbage. I immediately start running and yelling; attempting to scare them off. The last thing I wanted to do was clean up garbage strewn from Hell to breakfast. After much arm waving and screaming the damn raccoons took off. One of them even ran into a tree. I'm pretty sure they were drunk.

Satisfied, I walked back to my car. I pull up the handle. Locked. I remember flipping the lock switch when I first got in the car to collect the glasses. I had tossed the keys in the passenger seat while I was collecting the glasses. Then I heard the bang and I shut the door. With the keys still in the passenger seat. I'm stunned. My level of dumbassery has attained new heights. I stand there for a while just taking it all in. Then I remembered my bedroom window was unlocked. It's about 6 feet off the ground so I grab the ladder and start to climb into the window.

In the meantime.

My dad heard the commotion with the raccoons. He saw my shadow go by his window. He heard me yelling. He thought a madman was loose on the property. He. Called. The Sheriff.

I start to climb in the window (with my ass filling the window) when the whole front yard lights up. I hear an authoritative voice tell me to freeze. Freeze? Can you believe that shit? Freeze. I look around my butt to see two sheriffs walking towards me with their guns drawn. I'm told to get down on the ground. I climb down and spread eagle on the ground. Dad walks out the door and the identifies me to the sheriff. I explained the situation. I can't even begin to tell you the level of humiliation I was feeling. I would have literally climbed under a rock if it were possible.

The sheriffs were thoroughly amused. Especially considering the fact that I was wearing these:

A gift from my niece for Christmas. I was wearing them because it was laundry day and I didn't have anything else to wear. They were very professional and only snickered a couple of times. So we get everything settled and the sheriffs help me get my keys out. They leave and I walk back into the house with my tail between my legs.

The last thing my dad said before I went to bed? "Dumbass."

I hate these fucking reading glasses.
rofl that sucks good story though haha the sherif probably thought u were some crazy crack head in spongebob tightywhities lol. i bet as soon as they got in their patroll car they laughed like hell.


Active Member
Well good for you for having a sense of humor about the whole thing. I'm reading this sippin' my morning coffee n' LOL (literally). thank you sir for helping to start my day off with a smile..



Active Member
Carne you make this site worth reading. Everything else is gravy. Considering how much I've learned since being here that says a lot. As for whole foods, fuck it, seriously just go in next time and put a smile on. You're the man.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Hahaha thanks for the laugh today. I can relate as I locked myself out of the house last winter while I just stepped out to let a dog out. Door slammed behind me with the wind and broke the lock mechanism. So there I was in my pajamas, barefeet in birkenstocks in the middle of winter no phone and a shivery dog. 2 people sound asleep inside did not hear me banging on windows and doors for over 1.5 hours. Hubby finally heard the banging and came to the door with rifle in hand pointed right at me. It took him a few seconds to realize who I was and he was like WTF lol. Dumb momment for sure lol.


Ursus marijanus
I will need to visit, duct-tape you to a chair of your choice (in boxers of your choice) and make you watch every drag movie whut ever wuz. You MUST learn that if you find yourself in a store with outrageous glasses, embarrassed is NOT an option. Nay and verily; you must ROCK those specs. Practice the imperious Victorian stare that instantly questions the decency of anyone who'd be so crass as to notice. The air must positively crackle with charged, gathered, even weaponized dignity surrounding you as a nimbus of awesome. cn

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I will need to visit, duct-tape you to a chair of your choice (in boxers of your choice) and make you watch every drag movie whut ever wuz. You MUST learn that if you find yourself in a store with outrageous glasses, embarrassed is NOT an option. Nay and verily; you must ROCK those specs. Practice the imperious Victorian stare that instantly questions the decency of anyone who'd be so crass as to notice. The air must positively crackle with charged, gathered, even weaponized dignity surrounding you as a nimbus of awesome. cn
You know... I tried camping it up once. I was told by my campy friends to never attempt it again. I was too butch to pull it off. grrr...


Well-Known Member
6 times in my life I found my self in embarrassing public situations.;-)
And a few not so private moments. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Bravo! Longest post I have bothered to read. I agree, take the day off and for God`s sake watch tv.