
ok I have heard diffrent reasons for fans, Ive heard they help make the stem stronger, Ive heard the plant expels (spl) toxins thru the leafs and the air movement helps evaporate the toxins from the leafs, Ive also heard for the heat, to keep temps down, so what the real reason for the fans and do I want to keep them on full time during flowering or cycle them with the light


Well-Known Member
Turn your fans off during one light cycle and sit back and watch the heat stress and possible mold to occur,other than that you should be ok a lil mold or a few
crispy leaves won't hurt that much.


Well-Known Member
Fan on all the time mold is bad good air circulation is crucial. Wham young the fan does help strengthen the stems. Moving air doesn't cool the air it just moves it but it could be helping to move hot air away and helping bring fresh air to the on all the time....


Well-Known Member
The only reason i would say turn off fans at any stage is if you get cold nights and fans will make it worst.


Well-Known Member
sarcasm dude.
yes run your fan all of the time. air flow is important and it does make stronger plants. never heard of the toxins unless you are talking oxygen.
I never see sarcasm from that guy I only see misinformation. Sarcasm is no way to answer a Question and does more harm than good.


Well-Known Member
I never see sarcasm from that guy I only see misinformation. Sarcasm is no way to answer a Question and does more harm than good.
You must be referring to my early sex thread.Don't worry old man I'm making a video tutorial and labeling the containers male and female before hand.And when i tell the
sex of each plant w/o pre flowers then maybe my information won't seem to be misinformation to you.I actually started growing more seedlings for people like you just to
prove it.Can you say i have misinformed people other than saying i can tell sex in veg? As i said to many before i can tell the difference in horse shit and cow shit but you
can only say what you think is bull shit.Nice to know u remember me lol even though i made only like 20 posts this week.Smoking gets rid of my headaches is that misinformation too?


Well-Known Member
The only reason i would say turn off fans at any stage is if you get cold nights and fans will make it worst.
No it wont make it worse flowering plants like a cool dark period. Even though its cool buds can still go moldy with stagnant air plus high rh. Fans should be on 24/7 for reducing chances of mold and 1 or 2 degree drop in temps. For eg put some fruit in the cupboard and some in front of a fan 24/7 and see which goes moldy.


Well-Known Member
No it wont make it worse flowering plants like a cool dark period. Even though its cool buds can still go moldy with stagnant air plus high rh. Fans should be on 24/7 for reducing chances of mold and 1 or 2 degree drop in temps. For eg put some fruit in the cupboard and some in front of a fan 24/7 and see which goes moldy.
I know u are an expert and all but imma have to disagree,my grow room gets in the 60's and with a fan on in the 50's and yes will make my new growth yellow.
I'm not talking about a few degrees here,too cold temps can lock out vital nutrients and i know this from personal experience,not from reading.
BTW fruit isn't growing anymore it's pretty much dying soon as it's cut from the tree same as buds,The cold preserves the dead and kills the living.


Well-Known Member
I am not here to argue with you and no it is not just your "sex thread" I am refering too I hope your head achs go away I wish you no misfortune If you think your 100% right all the time thats fine but don't answer serious questions with sarcasm that can be taken wrong by a newb who will go smoke a fat bowl of moldy buds cause you said it was ok.
You must be referring to my early sex thread.Don't worry old man I'm making a video tutorial and labeling the containers male and female before hand.And when i tell the
sex of each plant w/o pre flowers then maybe my information won't seem to be misinformation to you.I actually started growing more seedlings for people like you just to
prove it.Can you say i have misinformed people other than saying i can tell sex in veg? As i said to many before i can tell the difference in horse shit and cow shit but you
can only say what you think is bull shit.Nice to know u remember me lol even though i made only like 20 posts this week.Smoking gets rid of my headaches is that misinformation too?


Well-Known Member
I am not here to argue with you and no it is not just your "sex thread" I am refering too I hope your head achs go away I wish you no misfortune If you think your 100% right all the time thats fine but don't answer serious questions with sarcasm that can be taken wrong by a newb who will go smoke a fat bowl of moldy buds cause you said it was ok.
Thx but i only went there with the newb since he seemed to have all the bases covered and kinda already knew the importance of fans.
I'll try to keep my answers more professional and i can't say i'm 100% right about everything,i have a few post i misprinted on but fixed.
Hell even those sexing thread needs some rewording cause a lot of people are misunderstanding.