I think it is manganese...imhodo we all know the diffrance tween magnesium and manganese??????
Manganese Mn - Symptoms...Manganese deficiency is generally found in the young leaves. The leaf tissues turn yellow and small areas of tan/brown dead tissue appear in the middle of the leaf. The leaf veins usually stay green. The leaf becomes outlined in a ring of dark green along its margins. Too much manganese in the soil causes an Iron (Fe) deficiency. In addition the plant shows a lack of vigor.
Magnesium Mg - Symptoms...Magnesium starts in the lower leaves. The veins remain green while the rest of the leaf turns yellow, exhibiting chlorosis. The leaves eventually curl up, and then die. The edges of affected leaves feel dry and crispy. As the deficiency continues, it moves from lower leaves to the middle to upper half. Eventually the growing shoots change from pale green to white color. The deficiency is quite apparent in the upper leaves. At the same time, the stems and petioles turn purple.
dont mind the last picture, i uploaded the wrong one at first
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