11 day old 1st grow!


Active Member
You mean a stronger light? I have a bigger flurescant I can put in .
And what's nute burn?
If you don't know what nute burn is I suggest that you start reading.. ALOT. You're going to have nothing but problems and be on RIU every day with a new question. Read, read, read and when your eyeballs dry up and fall out of your head dust them off and read some more!

Nute burn is when you add nutes to early or to strong and the edges of your leaves go yellow and look 'burnt' . It's not the end of the world if you do this more of a warning sign that the plant can't handle the amount or strength of the feed you're giving them.

Should I put a 30W flurescant on the plant?
When it comes to CFL's there is no over doing it, more is better.. Make sure to keep them an inch or two away from the plant.


Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
PC is correct...the more you read the more you learn. We are all here to help...well most of us are, but the folks who try growing first and ask questions later get into trouble that may be avoidable. I'm gentle about correcting; others can be blunt. (PC was gentle :)
That said this is a good thread to learn the lingo

The Internet is very intuitive if you ask it a question. Lighting is essential as well as the lighting cycle. 18 hours of light and 6 hours of dark, although some go 24/0, but it's not a good idea. When you switch to flower (12 on, 12 off) how will you keep the plant in COMPLETE darkness? Do you have a fan for air movement? (Didn't notice) Also when you go to flower the plant will SMELL! Any plans for that?
There are good books available for growing. Above all....learn and have fun growing :)


Well-Known Member
Best to learn from these cats dude! i learned from old school indian hicks who got violent when ya screwed anything regarding the garden up! I learned quick lol!


Ok we'll unfortunately my hole shelf fell off the wall and my plant fell as well It took a hit but I replanted her and she's back up under a cfl . I'm 11 days


Active Member
You will need a hps light for flower, or you are just wasting your time. You can even use a small one (250 hps), but cfls do not give out the proper light spectum to grow anything substantial. That being said you should also use an mh light for your veg period to make your plants strong and healthy. Growing serious weed is not easy, it is expensive and time consuming.
I understand that you have to start somewhere, but if you become serious about this, you will not be satisfied with cfls.


Ok do they sell single hids? If so ill buy a Y Cord and plug to in. It's my first grow inside my bedroom, so I'm aiming at growing a small personal plant. With strong smoke


Well-Known Member
Don't take this the wrong way, but do you live with your parents? I think you are underestimating how much effort you'll need to get something worth smoking. I could be wrong, but you do seem impressively poorly prepared...do some homework first next time perhaps? Before you actually start growing..

HIDs are big, hot and heavy, and need a special power supply to work. All this information is available here on RIU...or on google of course!


Yes I do live with my parents. And I have a small bedroom to grow in on my shelf. Which doesn't allow me to work with much. That's why I asked. Should I buy a single bulb HPS ? Or what? Will my room10x12 be to hot? What is the best amount of light for my room? Without making it a hotbox


Active Member
Yes I do live with my parents. And I have a small bedroom to grow in on my shelf. Which doesn't allow me to work with much. That's why I asked. Should I buy a single bulb HPS ? Or what? Will my room10x12 be to hot? What is the best amount of light for my room? Without making it a hotbox
So the shelf is 10x12 or the room is 10x12? Just slap a bunch of CFL's in there.. Are you gonna get in shit when your folks find out you're growing in their house?

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
I know plenty of growers who use nothing but CFL....Google Feliz 250w CFL. They come in flower and veg spectrum and come in lesser wattage. That said you will have a better outcome with HPS, but you open up potential problems (heat being one) Also what are your plans for ventilation? When you flower your plant(s) will stink.
For HPS you will need more equipment like a ballast and likely a reflector,(more money) although many do bare bulb.

We can sit here and fire ideas at you, but where you need to begin is with a budget...and expect to exceed it.


Thanks guys and yes I'm tryin to keep a low budget. Right now I have a 100w cfl on her she's 11 days old. A buddy of mine came over and said she's female . Which is good. Any tips you guys can fire at me to keep a LOW budget and easy setup will help

I only live with my dad and he SMOKES bud so he wouldn't care but I just have to keep it low on electricity $


@ brother numsi thanks man the feliz looks like it will do me well my crops still small so I'll wait till later

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
@ brother numsi thanks man the feliz looks like it will do me well my crops still small so I'll wait till later

I understand budgets, believe me. I am not endorsing this particular product, but this is cheap...have no idea of the quality:

Again, one thing leads to another...even if you don't go HID and stick with CFL you will need to deal with odor. Some use ONA gel...no experience with that product. Some use a carbon filter and small inline fan plus ducting ...that can be another $125-$150. Mojo is correct...there is much to learn before you start. You can't turn back the clock, but you will learn a lot.....