Possible Hermaphrodite


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I have a plant that to me looks like a hermaphrodite... It has a lot of flowers and looks mostly female, but there are no white pistils at the base of the stems, only 1 small sack at each base. No "banana" cluster or anything, just a single sack. 2 weeks into flower.
Is that a hermi? I'm new to this..

Thanks for any help on this, have a good one


Well-Known Member
hermione granger? haha. Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it. Being mostly female, if I isolated this plant and finished the flowering cycle, what could I expect? Would it pollinate itself? I think it's a good experiment to try


Ursus marijanus
If it throws very few sacks, you can stay ahead of them and pinch them off. But you do run quite a risk of some self-seeding. If it's personal stash or headed for the bubble bags, no big. Jmo.
Is this your only plant? Strain or bagseed?

Wait. Wwaaiitt. I just noticed the part about "no pistils". Pistils are quite obvious on female flowers. You might have a male.
Just to be dead sure, i'm posting pics of a male and a female. Let me know what you think. cn



Hermie: mostlt female but i see two male flowers in this pic.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a camera handy to take any pics, but the plant with the few sacks has a lot of female flowers, mostly female infact except for the 8-10 sacks being grown. They aren't in clusters like the picture you posted, there's only like 2 sacks at each base of a stem, some only 1. But yeah, no white pistils which is odd, cause it's growing buds.. I've already isolated it from the rest, I think I'll do what you said though and pinch them off. Does that totally stop them from producing pollen? Do "sacks" grow anywhere else besides the base of stems along the stock?

They are ww x big bud, from female seed co.

Thanks cannabineer, I've seen people talk about +rep I'll do that when I figure out how lol


Well-Known Member
just watch them closely. You might be over-reacting. A lot of females have little pod looking things by the base of the stem but often they have pistils coming from them. Kind of like an empty seed pod you know? Just be cautious is my advice


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I didn't really know that some females have those little pods, but I just noticed one earlier today on my other plant and I took it off, and you're right it was pretty much like an empty pod. How do I + rep you guys?


Ursus marijanus
I dont think you can until your post count reaches a certain level. 25 or something like that ?
Members with low post count can give rep, but it doesn't award the recipient any points until they have fifty, but I'm nor sure of that number. Even so, "gray rep" is some of my favorite, since it shows me I helped a newcomer in a way that mattered. cn


Well-Known Member
Members with low post count can give rep, but it doesn't award the recipient any points until they have fifty, but I'm nor sure of that number. Even so, "gray rep" is some of my favorite, since it shows me I helped a newcomer in a way that mattered. cn
Thanks for clearing that up...and nice job Canna