Pre-flower, a He or a She?


Well-Known Member
Hey all.

My swazi skunk has showen some pre-flowers. At first I thought they looked like lil balls, I just took a macro shot for a better inspection. Now im not so sure. Any opinions? Please see photo full size.


I'm planning on switching this weekend, so my fingers are crossed for it to be a she. Thanks guys.


Active Member
I'd say it's either a boy...or a girl...or both. Don't mean to be a smart ass but it is definately to early to tell. I will keep my fingers crossed for ya though. Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, Yeah it's very early, they are tiny.

Thanks Hotshot :) Thought it might have just been wishfull thinking, that it looks girlish :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, Yeah it's very early, they are tiny.

Thanks Hotshot :) Thought it might have just been wishfull thinking, that it looks girlish :)
Being the early sexing expert i am i would know lol she got some big calyxes tho,you should see my plants they have long calyxes kinda look like long vaginas lol


Well-Known Member
I don't know what you guys are seeing..all I see is stamen no calyx yet
Get some glasses bro,no wonder you hit like on that 1 guys post who tried to discredit me,you clearly don't know what the hell you talking about.
You see stipules as all plants have and at the base of the stems are calyxes but no pistils yet and they are pretty big,I'm glad i pay attention and
don't listen to people on the internet lol.Fucked up thing somebody liked your post SIGH!!! another lost 1


Active Member
In my experience Calyx look similar to Stamin. In early stages.. Imho I would keep an eye on em for a week to see how they develop, odds are you will know by then. Just my 2 cents. GL hope they turn out to be ladies!



Well-Known Member
In my experience Calyx look similar to Stamin. In early stages.. Imho I would keep an eye on em for a week to see how they develop, odds are you will know by then. Just my 2 cents. GL hope they turn out to be ladies!

If you're under the impression that I tried to discredit you, you're wrong. I simply just offered my opinion. I am still new to the game myself and am in no position to discredit anyone.

Naw puff i didn't direct that towards you,its just that guy hit like on a post some guy made which made no sense at all to me,which was also about sex.


Well-Known Member
To early to tell, imo.. how old is she? (wishful thinking always helps). Are your lights on 12 / 12 and if so for how long?
I'm yet to switch her to 12/12, I'm thinking this weekend I will switch. She is about 34, 35 days into veg. I was suprised to see some pre-flowers form as she hasn't even started to alternate nodes yet.

I took one lower branch and left it in the dark, It now appears that it has split and the start of two little hairs are sticking out :)