Need some help PRONTO!!!


Well-Known Member
Overwatered. Transplant into larger containers and start 1/4 strength grow nutes. Feed, water, water. Forget the molasses at this stage of growth and hold the cal/mag a while.


Active Member
Plants like a wet dry schedule, give those roots a reason to grow. Your ladies will tell you when they're thirsty.. I water twice a week at most while in veg and my plants are doing well and seem to be happy..



Well-Known Member
Dude your plant is near finished,what do the leaves on a tree do in the fall? and harley you should know better than to tell him to transplant a plant
that has no more than 1 1/2 weeks left lol it's bad enough he used LEDs


Dude your plant is near finished,what do the leaves on a tree do in the fall? and harley you should know better than to tell him to transplant a plant
that has no more than 1 1/2 weeks left lol it's bad enough he used LEDs
Are you telling me that my babies are done for already????


Well-Known Member
Are you telling me that my babies are done for already????
I'm saying you are about to harvest soon so don't worry but IMO you need to step ya light game up i seen a 23 watt cfl produce a oz from 1 plant.
If you plants are eating all the stored energy in your leaves then let em since it won't hurt so close to harvest,there is nothing those green leaves
will do after it's chopped plus it's less trimming,you already have red pistils so by the time harvest comes you'll still have some green leaves left
which is most likely gonna be trash.


Active Member
After looking at the pics again, I hate to say it just because I don't see much flower there but HotShot may be correct.. How long they been flowering? How long you let 'em veg for? From seed or clone?

I'd lay off of distilled water since the average distilled water is about 5.5 on the ph meter and with nutes like 5.8,but your soil should be a solid 6.5
for optimal growth.
I use distilled which, with my dig. PH meter after nutes reads a low 5. I use ph up to get 'er to 6.5. Haven't had any problems yet..



Well-Known Member
After looking at the pics again, I hate to say it just because I don't see much flower there but HotShot may be correct.. How long they been flowering? How long you let 'em veg for? From seed or clone?

I use distilled which, with my dig. PH meter after nutes reads a low 5. I use ph up to get 'er to 6.5. Haven't had any problems yet..

Seems like the problems usually start to occur in flowering but thats usually with high PH,but outside in the ground it wouldn't matter.


Ok I just transplanted one of them hopefully this fixes the problem, as far as my other girl well since I LST her since veg kind of difficult to transplant to a new medium... Thanks for your info guys appreciate it much so now I have to feed them 2x a week and check the PH to see if it's a good 5.6 anyway I appreciate your help guys ups for you HotShot and everyone as well...


and as far as how old they are well they are about 5 weeks have been using full LED 24/7 one is a Dinafem Critical + Auto and the other is Dinafem Northern Lights Auto, have had them in veg for 3 weeks and now have them in flowering but since they are auto's they grow on there own am I right?


I'm saying you are about to harvest soon so don't worry but IMO you need to step ya light game up i seen a 23 watt cfl produce a oz from 1 plant.
If you plants are eating all the stored energy in your leaves then let em since it won't hurt so close to harvest,there is nothing those green leaves
will do after it's chopped plus it's less trimming,you already have red pistils so by the time harvest comes you'll still have some green leaves left
which is most likely gonna be trash.
Appreciate your opinion on my lights just upgraded to the LED cause bill was coming in pretty high anyway appreciate your advice...


Well-Known Member
Appreciate your opinion on my lights just upgraded to the LED cause bill was coming in pretty high anyway appreciate your advice...
Well as i said your plants are fine,you should see the before and after picture of my plant that is about 5-6 weeks in,pull at least 50 leaves since week 3 and she is still
bushy but is still under 2 feet,and i know about high light bills that's the main reason i 12/12 from seed.I use a 400w system which is 4.8Kwh a day and 1 Kw is 9.6 cent.
At the rate it rounds to 46cent a day and at a 31 day cycle it adds an extra $14.26 but i round that up to $15 just because $14 and some cents can be inaccurate even
with a timer ,the original total was $14.53 and $15 extra is not so bad but i have a lot of things that consumes a lot of energy such as 5 big screens,washer,dryer,central
air and a whole lot of other shit,i still try to keep things off that aren't being used.


Well-Known Member
Ok I just transplanted one of them hopefully this fixes the problem, as far as my other girl well since I LST her since veg kind of difficult to transplant to a new medium... Thanks for your info guys appreciate it much so now I have to feed them 2x a week and check the PH to see if it's a good 5.6 anyway I appreciate your help guys ups for you HotShot and everyone as well...
Why are you watering so frequently? Do you give enough that there is some runoff each time? Are you letting the soil dry out between waterings?
5.6 is too low for soil, you should look for 6.5