How soon is too soon to turn on the lights?


Good morning my fellow horticulturalists! I am a first time grower, so please be gentle. I'll start with a description of my operation, and then fire some questions out.

I'm running in a windowless 5'x5' storage closet. I will be using miracle-gro organic potting soil with a fairly low base nutrient as a medium when my first plant is ready for transplant into it's permanent home, as I have ordered Advanced Nutrients Ph Perfect Connoisseur, and the hobbyist starter kit nutrients.

My first seedling is started in a 6" round plastic planter in miracle-gro seed starting soil (basically 0.00 nutrients), and my second seed is still waiting to germinate. I bought Trainwreck guaranteed feminised seeds from Greenhouse Seed Co.

I have a digitial multi-zone thermometer and RH monitor set up in my room, keeping the temperature right around 25 degrees C, and humidity at 55-60%. I'm using Sylavania 23w/6500k/1450 lumen daylight CFL's for veg, and will be switching to a similar bulb @ 2800k when it comes time to bloom.

24 hours ago my seedling broke thru the soil. I chased it up throughout the day, as it stood up an inch, I buried the stem to just below the seed casing head, until I couldn't get any more soil in my planter. I'm confident this will give me a good start to a sturdy stem and healthy roots. The planter stayed moist (not wet) and humid, covered in saran wrap, and out of direct light for the day until the seedling started to lift the plastic wrap up in the center of the planter. Last night I removed the saran wrap and put the now 2" tall seedling under direct light in my starting box, approx. 6" from the bulb to the seedling. It stood straight up overnight and seems to be doing well thus far.

My question seems as though it may have answered itself, and maybe I'm just being paranoid, but am I running any risk putting the direct light on less than 24 hours after breaking through the soil? Also, feel free to offer up any advice in regards to my set-up. Naturally it will be ever-evolving, with a shelving unit, more lights / different fixtures to come, pulleys, and possibly a small a/c unit if need be.


Well-Known Member
I run my light 18/6 through the whole germination process. If that answers your question.

Just keep the lights a bit further away than normal.


Active Member
no your fine, if it has popped out of the soil, she will take some light, and LOVE IT lol. when a seed breaks the soil it is looking for light to grow to :)

i hope ur operation is a successful one and keep us posted

stay hi


Active Member
If your asking if less light then 24/0 is good the answer is yes.18/6 is better then 24/0 IMO. I have done side by side comparisons and in my grow 18/6 is better. I believe they benifit from some dark time.

EDIT... Good luck on your grow.


Well-Known Member
I am lazy i guess cause im a 24 guy and havent seen anything bad yet although if i can get off my ass and grab another timer, i will follow villa's instruction because ive seen the results of such behavior! I am very happy to see another grower asking pertinant questions and getting help like this...warms my heart! Cant wait to hear maybe see how your garden goes. Good luck!


Active Member
I am lazy i guess cause im a 24 guy and havent seen anything bad yet although if i can get off my ass and grab another timer, i will follow villa's instruction because ive seen the results of such behavior! I am very happy to see another grower asking pertinant questions and getting help like this...warms my heart! Cant wait to hear maybe see how your garden goes. Good luck!
ive always been a 24 guy also due to laziness, however i can see wat villa means it makes sense, plants are supposed to get SOME dark.


Wow, thanks everyone for the awesome responses! I can tell already that this is an excellent community!

I spent some time in my local Canadian Tire today re-designing my grow room. I accidentally knocked a light over this morning into my planter, and felt like I had dropped my baby on it's head lol.

She's grown almost an inch today, and is chasing lights like a champion. I've got new lamps with flexible stems so I can position them closer to the plant as well. As much as I love a long legged lady, short and stout is what I'm aiming for here :)

Based on the research I've done, I'm going to run a 24/0 veg cycle for the first round, though I did get myself a digital timer today as well as my flowering bulbs (2700k / 1600 lumen / 26w CFL's)

I'm running 2 of my 6500k/1450 lumen CFL's on this plant. Will that suffice? Or should I put a 3rd or 4th on it as well?

I will put up some pics of my room tomorrow for everybody to see.

Thanks again everyone!!!


Active Member
Wow, thanks everyone for the awesome responses! I can tell already that this is an excellent community!

I spent some time in my local Canadian Tire today re-designing my grow room. I accidentally knocked a light over this morning into my planter, and felt like I had dropped my baby on it's head lol.

She's grown almost an inch today, and is chasing lights like a champion. I've got new lamps with flexible stems so I can position them closer to the plant as well. As much as I love a long legged lady, short and stout is what I'm aiming for here :)

Based on the research I've done, I'm going to run a 24/0 veg cycle for the first round, though I did get myself a digital timer today as well as my flowering bulbs (2700k / 1600 lumen / 26w CFL's)

I'm running 2 of my 6500k/1450 lumen CFL's on this plant. Will that suffice? Or should I put a 3rd or 4th on it as well?

I will put up some pics of my room tomorrow for everybody to see.

Thanks again everyone!!!
wats the cfl total wattage with the two in there?


Active Member
50 Watts total
if you have the room, as much wattage is best for CFL growing, it will make a big difference if u can double or triple your wattage.

ALSO dont expect anything crazy from 50 er even 100w of cfl's Throughout growth...just a heads up. get your hands on and MH.

i myself use cfl's JUSt for sprouts because i have no room under my 400w MH. ive tried growing throughout with about 70w of CFL's very dissapointing...

but good luck :) and have fun


Interesting, and actually a bit saddening. Can anyone else confirm or deny this with experience? Not that I don't trust you, I just want to be certain before making any potential changes to my grow.
