When I moved in my old home in Michigan the area was mostly farms, fields and marshland. My first experience with a really big (HUGE) spider in my new home happened the 3rd morning I was there. I had set up my bathroom with our toothbrushes in some pretty pottery my bf made for us. Next to it was my Chicken Man coffee mug (does anyone remember him) that I had used for years for water to rinse my mouth out after brushing.
Anyway, it's 4:30 am. Have to get up early if you're married to a grocer. Half awake and barely able to function I stumbled into the bathroom, rubbed my hands over my eyes and probably mumbled something about hating mornings. Then it was time to wet my toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it. Scrub, scrub, scrub away the tartar. I grabbed that friggin cup and ran a little water into the bottom of it-no problem. I tipped the cup as I raised it to within inches of my face when the water movement forced a mutha of a spider up and over the edge of that freakin' cup and on to my hand, it raced up my arm. I screamed and dropped my Chicken Man mug on the floor, it shattered and I had no idea where the spider went.
My new hubby came running into the bathroom thinking something terribly wrong had occurred, which indeed it had. I'm now in the mode of trying to cover up and get the hell out of there. Startled when he came in I fell backwards into the bathtub and on the way down I'm grabbing the shower curtain and guess where that little son of b was hiding. I'm trying to get out of the bathroom and tangled up in the shower curtain dragging it out into the hallway before it finally fell off. My beloved is laughing so hard he could hardly stand up.
I got my revenge a couple of weeks later when he decides he is going to transfer yard waste from one container to another. He reaches into a 45 gallon trash can and a gardener snake that is big enough to reach the top of the can slithered out of it. I didn't know that a grown man could scream that loudly. Ahhh yes, revenge is best served cold, like a snake.
Sorry for any typos and grammatical mistakes.