Are they done yet?


Active Member
Hello. I am going to harvest today because tomorrow is the walk through for me leaving my place. I was wondering how far these are from being done? Some are but the ones I took a picture of are the same strain and don't seem done yet. they are 90% cloudy trichomes with very few clear and fewer amber. They just keep wanting to grow bigger on the tops. Would it be something where I want to try to untangle them and move them or are they almost done. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
Are you legal/? if so ..leave them go for another 10 -12 days.. the walk through is a buyer doing a final inspection to buy your home? when is the closing?


Well-Known Member
I'm selling my house and some people are coming to look at it 2day and 2mar and it's being repainted and re-carpeted so i had to throw my plants in a box to take
to my other house for a week.


Active Member
It's an apartment. The end of the 30 day notice is tomorrow. By the way, they are 72 days in flowering.


Well-Known Member
Yea mon you gve 30 days notice say u are leaving in 30 days after u leave they do inspection for deposit back jus my guess mon


Active Member
Yeah. The tent is one of the last things in the apartment. They walk through and we discuss what I owe for any damages. Place has to be completely empty.


Active Member
Thanks Sky! I only had 1 problem this go for 5 hours with heat.. that is why few leaves are dry. So far trimming going good.. other than the fact i dislike tedious work and my hands shake.. oh wait time to medicate. ;) They stink good, very dense. I'm not feeling too bad but i am still on the more done ones.


Active Member
My plant is the virgin Mary! Half way done trimming and just found 1 seed in the pop corn on bottom. I looked at every inch and not 1 bale sack anywhere. LoL. No hermie part nothin..


Active Member
Sure. I'm in a 2x2x5 tent and used a screen. I literally made all the branches flat horizontal and everything you see is the branches that grew up. I have a 600w digital hps with hortilux bulb. Lots of air flow (3 fans). Lucas formula (gh 2&3), cal/mag/iron, silica, powder cool bloom (started at. 5 tsp per 5 gal). Ro water. With those nutes I had no need to ph. Toward the end I added orca micro's which I had to ph up before watering. The micro's make ph go down over time but the plants drank more water than nutes so adding straight 7.0 ph ro water would put the ph back to 5.7. I also used true blooms to the last week as foliar for healthy plants and it also prevents mold. Most in a fill drain with rockwool. One in a water farm with hydroton.. that one grew 2 times bigger than the rest so have several water farms for next time. Temps 75 until I got co2 then I increased to 85. Co2constant 1500. Next time I will do 82 temp. Humidity 45%. :D Sorry for crappy grammar phone is laggy on this app!


Well-Known Member
TY,at what point did you introduce the Co2? Im guessing it was a upgrade and not used entire grow?



Active Member
Co2 introduced at week 2. No actually that one doesn't look like the farm but it is too dense to see where the stem leads. I will post later if it is. The bottom right of that pic is the water farm. Ones with brown hairs all over is from water farm. Ones with top half still white is ebb and flow in rockwool.


Active Member
Also, that bigger left bud... I don't know if it made a difference but I had co2 going to a fan.. and the fan was pointed directly on that one. Could be a reason it is bigger than the others.