rippers are out in the hood


I caught one as he took off yesterday, and this morning i caught another coming in, the guy yesterday got maybe 5 to 6 nugs off a blue dream cola, and this morning, the kid got away with nothing, i was armed both times, and if drawn on i would have dropped them, good thing it didnt escalate to that. Sad to say tho, my grow is over, chopped everything. I would continue to grow, but unless i can get to poppng on someone on my property, itll just be a game of tag, where im the fat kid just chasing. I chopped and gave everything to my fellow prop 215ers, i dont even want to have anything at my home.


Yeah, kids and crackheads, two different individuals, probably of the same group, wrong neighborhood to grow in, i wouldnt worry if i was a kid, id get my gang together and go lookin for them, but im 31 and this is just added stress, especially since things started flowering around here, i dont know my neighbors, drug dealers all around, if this was texas, itd be a different story. I have a dog, but hes only three months old, and only barks at me when he is upset or wants something. Just myself and my gf, if anything happend to her over a few plants, itd be all bad.


Well-Known Member
i was a week away about 3 weeks ago and guys where painting next door seen my plants over the fence was too late for me there last day painting the house that night ripped about 80% of my grow good thing i did not wake up i would have killed a few iam sure of it well with are cards and soil and nutes iam ass out about 2k thanks rippers next year will be a baiting year :) sorry to hear about your grow being ripped have guns loaded and ready iam from now on have guns in every room.
if you really want a good alarm/guard system. you get yourself a big male boerboel. they are easy to train, good with kids. and will buttufck any rippers that happen to drop by (figuratively of course) a boerboel is a south african mastiff


Active Member
I never imagined that growing would be so stressful. Aren't we just a bunch of laid back stoners? Not during the season. We take inventory of our friends and loved ones and question who is loyal enough to trust. Then sh!t happens and all of the sudden we start accusing people. Not right out, but we listen and interpret what we want out of whom we suspect. While we lose friends and family over the ordeal some piece of crap loser stumbled upon & helped themselves.

Our relationships with friends and family suffer if you get ripped. Life as you know it will never be the same. You become bitter towards everyone. Is it worth the risk? Is it? Really?

I'm glad it's a fast growing plant. I'd hate to live through this turmoil all year long. Paranoia will destroy ya'.