Help with yellowing leaves!


Active Member
Okay, so I have 3 THC bomb seeds and one unknown from a good batch. 2 of the THC bomb plants look great but I have some questions on the other two. One has yellow tips on the leaves and the other is growing abnormally, I will try and post pics if I can figure out how to from my phone.. if anyone can help with my yellow tipped plants it eqould be very appreciated... ++rep


Well-Known Member
yellow tips? prob nute burn,maybe soil is too "hot" or the plant is root bound. what size pots are they in?? pics would really help!!! but i dont think that its possible from a fone. also seedlings when they start to grow the first set of leafs(cotyledons) do yellow up and fall off. like i say without pics its hard to tell im just going thru the usual suspects


Active Member
IMAG1173.jpgIMAG1174.jpgIMAG1175.jpgIMAG1176.jpgOkay so here is a few pics of what im working with....I have not added any nutes to my water and the soil is a 25% perlite 25%peat moss and 50% generic top soil. the temp in the room is between 78 and 81 depending on the time of day. Thanks for the quick reply and help!


Well-Known Member
yh it looks like the soil may have burnt it a little. try to avoid soil with woody chips in it in future is a pain in the ass as the wood locks out N which can lead to problems on its own. they will recover as the new growth doesnt look as affected as the first set


Active Member
Okay, I appreciate the info I didnt know that about the wood chips, those are pics of three different you think the yelloeq one will work its self out? And is the one with the weird leaves okay? I've never seen one look like that...


Well-Known Member
yh it looks like the soil may have burnt it a little. try to avoid soil with woody chips in it in future is a pain in the ass as the wood locks out N which can lead to problems on its own. they will recover as the new growth doesnt look as affected as the first set
I have to disagree about that. I use pro-mix exclusively. It has wood chips no problems here. Never used soil just pro-mix


Well-Known Member
yh it should work its self out the new growth looks like its coming thru good. haha i never noticed the 2 headed leaf, that will be fine the next set will grow in properly.


Well-Known Member
I have to disagree about that. I use pro-mix exclusively. It has wood chips no problems here. Never used soil just pro-mix
i'll find the write up about wood locking out N and post it when i do. It actually says that it can lock it out for 2 years before it becomes available to the soil again. but i'll find the article and post it. now all i got to do is scratch my head and find it now lol