Planted early in august, will my yield be tiny? (pics)

So I finally got a place I could grow at, but I started a little bit later than what is reccommended. Now after 2 months they seem to be pretty short in size. I was wondering if any of you guys could tell me what you would forsee the yield to be on these guys.

These guys are just as tall but only one month old. Already getting better at growing haha, but still, what do you guys think these plants will yield since they have already blown the other 2 out of the water?

Any predictions would be appreciated. I'm just excited for my first cultivation whenever they finish


Active Member
it's a common rookie blunder to ask such questions... i'm not bashing you, but realistically, nobody can give you an accurate answer as there are too many variables involved. someone could tell you an oz, the next person will say a half pound, and the next will say you'd be lucky to get anything... just keep up with what your doin and be happy with whatever you end up with, otherwise you'll just end up disappointed.
it's a common rookie blunder to ask such questions... i'm not bashing you, but realistically, nobody can give you an accurate answer as there are too many variables involved. someone could tell you an oz, the next person will say a half pound, and the next will say you'd be lucky to get anything... just keep up with what your doin and be happy with whatever you end up with, otherwise you'll just end up disappointed.
Oh I could never end up dissapointed. Even if they only gave me a gram each! I'm just hoping for an ounce from each healthy plant since 4 are 3 inches tall after a month and a half :/


Active Member
yo dude remember when its that size you are better off counting every leaf with a tricomb. I too have a sad looking girl, that i revegged after a harvest in august. I will harvest her and grind her up and make brownies.
yo dude remember when its that size you are better off counting every leaf with a tricomb. I too have a sad looking girl, that i revegged after a harvest in august. I will harvest her and grind her up and make brownies.
What do you mean count every leaf with a tricomb??? The plants don't look sad, i just overwatered a bit and stunted the growth.


Well-Known Member
You'll get what they give you and I'm sure you'll be happy, such a short grow period tho at least you should get something.


Well-Known Member
The season is just about over. Some of the white hairs have turned brown. The rest of the white hairs should start turning brown any week now. Keep an eye on the weather channel if your area gets frost this time of year. You might need to chop them any day. Hopefully you can make it to the end of October where they'll finish up, but don't count on it. Your yield is what you have right now. They'll fatten up in the coming weeks a little bit, but when you dry them they'll shrink to the size they are now.
The season is just about over. Some of the white hairs have turned brown. The rest of the white hairs should start turning brown any week now. Keep an eye on the weather channel if your area gets frost this time of year. You might need to chop them any day. Hopefully you can make it to the end of October where they'll finish up, but don't count on it. Your yield is what you have right now. They'll fatten up in the coming weeks a little bit, but when you dry them they'll shrink to the size they are now.
Does southern california get frost? I was going to plant something like alaskan thunderfuck next since it's cold resistant. I should stick to plants with a higher indica content, the ones I have are hybrids so they are less resilient.


Active Member
if your going to start now, you need to get an auto flowering strain, not a photoperiod sensitive strain. unless your doing this indoors, because outdoors you have to rely on the suns natural cycle and for the up-coming months it would be like having your light on a 13/11 cycle (flowering stage light cycle is 12/12 vegetative is more like 18/6)... so if you can find some autos that would be the way to go.
if your going to start now, you need to get an auto flowering strain, not a photoperiod sensitive strain. unless your doing this indoors, because outdoors you have to rely on the suns natural cycle and for the up-coming months it would be like having your light on a 13/11 cycle (flowering stage light cycle is 12/12 vegetative is more like 18/6)... so if you can find some autos that would be the way to go.
Don't autoflower plants produce crappy bud


Well-Known Member
if you want to do a new grow you will have to give them some light after dark to keep them in veg otherwise they will just be small again. a single CFL can do this