Has anyone chopped yet??


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon guys !!! It's raining cats and dogs here, for hours. I'm stuck in the hills!! The plants are having a good shower and now I'm going to be worried about bud mold. Still got loads to get thru!! :( pics later!!


Well-Known Member
yeah...we get some heavy rain and this week is going to be nothing but. how do i prevent mold? i've been shaking em off, but what other steps can i take?

Are they out in the open or in a greenhouse? If under cover then you could use a fan to stir the air at night. Cold temps and high humidity cause powder mildew, fungus spores on the leaves. By stirring the air you reduce the humidity. if they are outside then nothing I'm afraid except have some neem oil handy and spray individual leaves. This will help control it but not rid it as its a fungistat and not a fungicide. Using 10% milk doesn't work for me! Baking soda is PH 7.0. Mold can't survive at that but I don't like it.

In Ibiza where they have proper outdoor grow operations they have black out plastic tunnels on electric runners which cover the plants after 12 hrs, say at 7pm and then they are drawn back after dark at 10 pm to allow air at night. They can't use fans!!


Well-Known Member
Going fabulous lady! Getting anxious to cut my Mr. Nice down. She's really purpling up now that the nights have gotten cooler. Cannot wait !!! :weed:

How are yours going? Did you get to try out any of that sticky icky yet?!


Well-Known Member
These are all Jamaican DreamsDSC06769.JPG

DSC06781.JPGDSC06785.JPGI started cutting the melon gum today as she got battered by the rain.


DSC06812.JPGDSC06813.JPGcuring already as I had to cut up all the buds to inspect. this was cut on Monday. Hanging up is SOME of the melonm gum that I chopped today.

I´ll update my outdoor thread with more pics !!


Well-Known Member
I've had a few branches go over from the bud weight but after the heavy rain it was just too much for that one. Or was ready anyway. Next up is the white Russian or double Dutch !!


Well-Known Member
What's the latest? Are u all still chopping? I feel like I'm 2/3 of the way through!! I cut my Double Dutch today with 2 friends and it's still not finished!


Well-Known Member
DSC06855.JPGDSC06858.JPGHere are my White Russian clones. It was so lazy of me to put two clones in one 11 L pot. Took all day to cut as I had to inspect it for bud mold. The buds were so dense.

DSC06859.JPGIt´s been baking over the last few days so Ive been wearing my favourite outfit - my bikini.

DSC06868.JPGMy friends had to help me cut this today ! Still lower buds to finish tomorrow. I estimate a good few hundred grams of this Double Dutch!!