Hang drying; leaves on, or off?

I was talking to a buddy of mine the other day and he said that he always dries with the leaves on because it helps concentrate the smell, and thc.
I have always trimmed first, then Hung them up, but noticed with a couple that I'm curing right now the smell has diminished since I cut and trimmed them, and I'm wondering if there's anything to what he told me....does keeping the leaves on during the drying phase produce a better product?? -any thoughts??


Well-Known Member
https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/560707-perfect-dry-more-important-than.html there u go... basically leaves may help you get to that 14-day dry... this allows most of the chlorophyll to leave... if u find it dries to quick take it all off the upside down plant and cut off fan leaves and put in bags. on day 10 i usually do the rest of the sugar leaves and put it into paper bags. the chlorophyll will be abundant in any leaves that arent hugging the buds, as they dry faster than the bud. dont worry so much about it just keep it hung upside down at first all spaced apart so u avoid mold, then cut it up a little so you can hang all the nugs closer, so they dry slower. then u do the other stuff i said. Its good to learn diff ways of drying slower, but if you dry too slow you will get mold . Good luck!


Active Member
My technique was always to remove any fan leaves that would pop off when pulled. everything else hangs and dries. After drying, if anything scraggly remained, it could easily be spot pruned when removing buds from main stems. To remove fans by pulling, just go against the grain (pull parallel to stem toward base of plant). If it doesn't come away easily, leave it for later. You can always take away after drying, but you can't put it back once it's done. Sometimes those little fan leaves are cosmetically pleasing, and small fans are usually loaded with trichs as well, and can give your product a well rounded flavor.


Well-Known Member
....does keeping the leaves on during the drying phase produce a
better product?? -any thoughts??
i would say so and the leaves protect the buds
from dust, bugs etc....protects the crystals from
light degradation i believe, but to each his own.


Well-Known Member
My technique was always to remove any fan leaves that would pop off when pulled. everything else hangs and dries. After drying, if anything scraggly remained, it could easily be spot pruned when removing buds from main stems. To remove fans by pulling, just go against the grain (pull parallel to stem toward base of plant). If it doesn't come away easily, leave it for later. You can always take away after drying, but you can't put it back once it's done. Sometimes those little fan leaves are cosmetically pleasing, and small fans are usually loaded with trichs as well, and can give your product a well rounded flavor.
Bravo, very well said!


Well-Known Member
I take them off (like GrnMn does). I don't think it will make much difference in the end product, just a bitch to trim. I don't like mixing fan leaves with the good trim. Alway dry in a cool dark bug free location.