Any Nova Scotians in the house???C'MONNNNNNN!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aha, this explains it. THat's fine because I've always had a 'thing for the Dublin drawl. Sexy.

My first view of Trailer Park Boys was a bit of a mindfuck. My cousins further inland think so too.

About one Nova Scotian in four is of Irish descent, and there are good finding aids for genealogists and family historians.[SUP][21]

In addition there are also rural Irish village settlements throughout most of Guysborough County, such as the Erinville (meaning Irishville) /Salmon River Lake/Ogden/Bantry (named after Bantry Bay, County Cork, Ireland but abandoned since the 19th century for better farmland in places like Erinville/Salmon River Lake) district where Irish last names are prevalent and the accent is strongly reminiscent of the Irish as well as the musical culture (maritime traditional music being some of the most Irish styles of music played in the world outside ofIreland), food, Religion (Roman Catholic), language heritage (being that some can still understand parts of the Irish language, the older generation being the most fluent thus the language weakening in this area), love of the drink and love for Ireland itself. In parts of Antigonish County there is also quite a few Irish villages such as Cloverville, Ireland and Lochaber as well as on Cape Breton Island, in places such as New Waterford, Rocky Bay, the Lower Rover inhabitants area, and Glace Bay, all still very rich in Irish culture.



Pickle Queen
Saskatoon in the house, But i'll rep New Brunswick, my birthplace. Hell's ya i'm Acadian :)

I miss water.......salty water..........:(